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Load Combination Problem - Bridles between trusses or pipes creates House Rigging

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Hi everyone,


I'm calculating a complex structure and I'm getting mad with this issue, its never happend before to me...


Each time that I try to insert a drop between two rigging objects and I try to calculate (all objects or load combinations) an house rigging appears and split the loads, so you are not able to transmit the weights from a system to another...


Does someone knows how to solve it?? I tried to modified bridle parameter but I did't get it working... 


Thanks so much,


Screenshot 2024-08-14 at 23.40.51.png

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  • 3 months later...

So, after try thounsand of times and different paths I can't explain why is happening with my preferences on my computer.

I found a way that could solve the issue but it isn't really good solution.



If I insert a connection using Bridles parts, it doesn't matter if I chose "Bridle Part" or "Hoist" because it always is going to create a House rigging between the two objets breaking the weight structure. I tried to modify all the options and combinations into the bridle preferences, it doesn't matters.


My solution is insert hoist in the connection and select "Dead hang undefine" ( I even create a new symbol with different specs to do it faster) so it insert a chain between both objets with the load of 26kg... so you have to modify this weight most of the time because is unreal. 


It looks like always create a basket on the top of my leg, so problaby it is the problem but I could reach the solution, I'm not sure.

There is a way to set to default the setting of the bridle preferences? 


This is a screenshot with the comparison between bridle part and dead hang as a hoist. 


Thanks and enjoy the easy and simple command "insert drop"... I'm really missing it!! hahaha




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  • Vectorworks, Inc Employee

When you are using the insert connection to insert a bridle part based drop, try setting the bridle preferences to use the top leg with a length set to the size of a standard 3.25t shackle this will ensure that your deadhange bridle insert correctly and that your drop will calculate the parts correctly int he bridle configuration dialogue

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  • 2 weeks later...

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