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Script to find/replace text in Resource Symbol Record Fields


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I thought Batch Rename could do this, but apparently not.  I have a bunch of symbols in my Resource Manager, particularly truss symbols I built.  They all have "Silver" in various fields.  Now that I've copied all the symbols and made a black version, I have to change "Silver" to "Black" in all of the record formats (not for symbols in the drawing, but rather in the record format of the symbol definition in the resource browser).   The Records tool lets me change the overall value, but not find/replace values within a string.  


Is there a script that does this, or a menu command I have missed?  It will at least help for future endeavors.  Right now, I'm going through symbol by symbol and changing the values.  

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There is a @Pat Stanford worksheet script here somewhere that allows you to create a Worksheet where you can edit the default field values of Records attached to symbols in the RM. Not exactly what you're asking for but would still be pretty quick, pasting the new 'black' values into all the relevant fields with a couple of clicks.

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9 hours ago, bcd said:

Does this not do it for you?


I used that to change overall field info, but it doesn't do conditional parts of strings as far as I could tell.  Like if I have a symbol with a field "Truss 10' Silver" and another "Truss 8' Silver", it won't change just the "Silver" part of those strings, at least as far as I could tell.

Edited by SamIWas
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