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Any way to make this object think it's 2-1/8" wide?

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Dimension to the vertical edge instead of to the end of the end of the piece?


Manually override the dimension text and type in what you want in the Leader or Trailer?


Dimension before you do the bullnose?


Anything is going to be manual. There is no automatic way for VW to understand what you want in the cut list vs the final part.

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2 hours ago, bcd said:

You could assign a Record Format to the piece's dimension, with a boolean - Mitered y/n

Or set those dimensions in a mitered class

Then in the worksheet If Mitered  + 5/32"

Interesting thought. I tried a few ways to add an object to the solid subtraction to make it think it was 2-1/8" wide, but no luck.

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So the fundamental issue is, we do not have symbols that we can edit...if we did then this is how it would work.


make your sub-system without any routing into a symbol.

then extract your cut data list from that.


then take the symbol (as a symbol) and add all your routered edges, holes etc, on the "outside" of the symbol. 


we tend to draw the final product and then go back to get data...not realizing that we need to create a model that copies the steps of how it is actually built IF we want to get a BOM that reflects the way it is built. 


because of my experience with Onshape (2017) there are a few improvements I would like to make in VW regarding how we deal with symbols that would eliminate these "dead end" situations.  Small improvements big returns.  Have VW give me a call.   



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