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Worksheet - Condition based single cell visual style

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I was wondering if it was possible to have a cell inside a database row change colour text/fill depending on another cell.


We create our document list inside vectorworks worksheets using a database and the title block elements but we would normally be using a 'greyed' out text style to show which documents have had revisions. I dont think there is any functionality to create a cell that automaticly switches to grey when there is a revision in another cell.


Thank you for your time.

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On 7/12/2024 at 3:58 PM, Pat Stanford said:

No easy way to do this.  Probably impossible currently in Database subrows.

Thanks for your thoughts Pat, perhaps it would be something for the wishlist.


Ever since we started producing our quantity-, cost-, and drawing-lists in Vectorworks using Worksheets we've always found it a bit lacking compared to Excel. Mostly in the interface and graphical department. Which is of course only logical, going from a dedicated program to a 'all-rounder' but we can dream.

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I know that "gray bar" alternating row colors has been requested in the past and better overall cell formatting.


I am relatively certain the "conditional" formatting has also been requested.


But it would not hurt to start a thread with this request in the Wish List forum.

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