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Where are the Uniclass PM tables located that appear when we select Role in the IFC export settings?

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  • 4 weeks later...



Take a look at the _Uniclass.txt file.


You can download the Uniclass Pr Products table from The NBS website. 

Their file needs to be exported as "CSV UTF8" (a CSV file with a UTF8 BOM).
The csv needs to be placed in this content folder with a "csv" extension and a "Uniclass" prefix
   (or whatever prefix is listed in Vectorworks.vwr/Strings/ClassificationLookupDialog.vwstrings)
More than one Uniclass file can be here at the same time. The alphabetically first one will be the default. 

Vectorworks 2023 (and earlier) supports Pr v1.28 and earlier.
Pr v1.29 added a 'Sub object' column. Vectorworks 2024 is the first version to support this. 
The column can be removed in excel before CSV export to make newer Pr work with older Vectorworks. 

Note: Files starting with underscore character ('_') will not be shown and opened!


You "should" be able to store that in a workgroup (or I know it will make you shudder) user folder. 😉


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Thanks, Pat


This only relates to the lookup tables accessible to Materials.


I need the tables that Vectorworks refers to when defining roles in the IFC export settings.  Where are these held?  They need to be 'Ro' now, not 'PM'.  Nowhere can I find a file containing 'PM' tables.


So I assume it's hard-coded.

Edited by shorter
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You mean these?  The table continues for about another 150 lines.


"0"  =  "PM_10#Personnel";
"1"  =  "PM_10_10#Organization roles";
"2"  =  "PM_10_10_10#President";
"3"  =  "PM_10_10_15#Vice president";
"4"  =  "PM_10_10_20#Chairman";
"5"  =  "PM_10_10_25#Vice chairman";
"6"  =  "PM_10_10_30#Chief executive officer";
"7"  =  "PM_10_10_35#Chief financial officer";
"8"  =  "PM_10_10_40#Chief operating officer";
"9"  =  "PM_10_10_45#Executive director";
"10" =  "PM_10_10_50#Non-executive director";
"11" =  "PM_10_10_55#Managing director";
"12" =  "PM_10_10_60#Director";
"13" =  "PM_10_10_70#Partner";
"14" =  "PM_10_10_75#Associate";
"15" =  "PM_10_10_80#Manager";

"0"  =  "PM_10#Personnel";
"1"  =  "PM_10_10#Organization roles";
"2"  =  "PM_10_10_10#President";
"3"  =  "PM_10_10_15#Vice president";
"4"  =  "PM_10_10_20#Chairman";
"5"  =  "PM_10_10_25#Vice chairman";
"6"  =  "PM_10_10_30#Chief executive officer";
"7"  =  "PM_10_10_35#Chief financial officer";
"8"  =  "PM_10_10_40#Chief operating officer";
"9"  =  "PM_10_10_45#Executive director";
"10" =  "PM_10_10_50#Non-executive director";
"11" =  "PM_10_10_55#Managing director";
"12" =  "PM_10_10_60#Director";
"13" =  "PM_10_10_70#Partner";
"14" =  "PM_10_10_75#Associate";
"15" =  "PM_10_10_80#Manager";

You are right, they are hard coded.


Kind of.  This is  from a file named UniclassTablePM.vwstrings.  This file lives inside the IFCLibrary.vwlibrary file. At least on Mac, vwllibrary files are "packages" which are effectively a folder marked to show as a file.  If you right click on it one of the options is Show Package Contents which then lets you treat it as a folder and manipulate the contained files from the Finder.


So you should (theoretically) be able to just edit the IFCLibrary file one and then transfer that to each users Application folder (or maybe even just to the workgroup folder) and have your updated information.


But if you need this undateable on a regular basis, I recommend filing a VE to have this file removed from the package and the information stored as a txt or csv file that can be stored in the Workgroup folder so the user can update as necessary.


But this is all speculation on my part as I have never used IFC at all.



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