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Title block - filename without .vwx suffix

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Is there a way to insert a filename field (Project.Data Filename) in a Title block but without the .vwx suffix (e.g. "Document" instead of "Document.vwx")? Due to legal reasons we are delivering pdf files and therefore publishing/exporting pdf files with a consistent title block (.pdf rather than .vwx o no suffix at all) is needed. Thanks in advance!

Edited by StefanoT
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EDITED 11:55AM PST June 23, 2024 - File Names didn't match.  🤦‍♂️


Yes, but it is not especially easy, but once you get it set up it should work fine. You can't do it using the built in TBB Dynamic Text.


1. Create a new Vectorscript and paste in the following line:




2. Save the script with the name Trimmed_File_Name


3. Create a new DataTag with a single text block.


4. Edit the Dynamic Text and paste in the following string:




5. Click OK to exit the Data Tag.  Test and make sure the Data Tag puts the correct string in the drawing when you put is on a layer.


6. Edit the Title Block Layout and delete the placeholder string for the current file name.


7. Put the new Data Tag in the location where the file name should be.


8. Add the Trimmed_File_Name script to your template file(s) as it will have to be in every file for this to work.



Edited by Pat Stanford
File Names DIdn't Match
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