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Geo-Scatter in Blender problem

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Hello everyone,


I'm having a problem when I want to assign a geo scatter biome in Blender to a terrain I've modeled on Vectorworks.
In fact, the number of instances generated is in the millions and completely crashes everything.

However, once in Blender, my terrain has a normal mesh, and I even tried to model a random terrain in Blender directly to see if it wasn't coming from geo scatter or Blender and no, the problem comes from my terrain generated in Vectorworks.

(Note that the rest of my geometry (i.e. my building) is perfectly normal when exported from Vectorworks to Blender).


Do you have a solution to this problem?


Thanks a lot!

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Not sure about blender, but when I used to work in C4D (back in the early 00's), there was retopo feature, that basically draped the dtm imported, to sort of retopologize the geometry.  I wonder if blender has a similar feature?

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