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Data visualization priority within symbol

heavy manners


Hello everyone,


According to the Help section, the priority of data visualization is controlled thusly:



Selected visualizations display with a check mark, and a number next to the visualization indicates its priority. If there is a conflict, the visualization with the lower number takes precedence. Deselect all visualizations to display the drawing with object attributes.


Now, my issue is this: I have a text object within a symbol. The symbol is set, by class, to display a different colour in through a data viz. Everything within it takes on the properties of the data viz. The text within the symbol, however, cannot be overridden by another data viz at the same time, no matter which priority is used, or which type of criteria is used (class, type...). Is this how it is supposed to work? If not, any ideas as to how it can be rectified? (The same seems to be happening with groups.)


Please see attached file for a demonstration.


Thank you!

data viz priority test 1.vwx

Edited by heavy manners
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Data Visualization changes an object based on the Data it holds or other criteria that you set up in the New Data Visualization dialog.


Container objects such as Symbols, Groups, and most Plug-ins work in the same way in that all the objects contained inside them will take on the Attributes that you specify within the Data Visualization.  What you cannot (yet) do is change the attributes of specific objects inside the container objects that hold the criteria that you have specified. That, I think, is the problem you are experiencing. 


The best way to fix this is to display the data you are using the Text for with a Data Tag. Data Tags can be persuaded to alter their overall content based on a Data Visualization.



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1 hour ago, markdd said:

What you cannot (yet) do is change the attributes of specific objects inside the container objects that hold the criteria that you have specified. That, I think, is the problem you are experiencing.


Thanks Mark! I suspected this was the case.


1 hour ago, markdd said:

The best way to fix this is to display the data you are using the Text for with a Data Tag. Data Tags can be persuaded to alter their overall content based on a Data Visualization.


I agree, and I use data tags extensively already, but in this case I have my reasons for wanting a text object inside a symbol. Besides, this could affect many other things than text.

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3 hours ago, markdd said:

Container objects such as Symbols, Groups, and most Plug-ins work in the same way in that all the objects contained inside them will take on the Attributes that you specify within the Data Visualization.  What you cannot (yet) do is change the attributes of specific objects inside the container objects that hold the criteria that you have specified. That, I think, is the problem you are experiencing.


It's quite a big limitation. I think I discovered this when I thought data vis could start doing some of the stuff I normally control via class over-rides. I got some way down the line before realising that it can do most of but not everything that class over-rides can.

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