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Summing worksheet lines with result listed in a Database cell.



I'm formatting a worksheet for a job.


In the "Total Items" cell, I want the answer  =sum(B12, B13, etc.)


However, this doesn't work.


Then I tried summing the answer under the list in cell B17 and tried the formula  =B17  in cell G3. That didn't work either, even though the B17 cell showed the answer.


Please scroll down past this worksheet layout.




Then I tried writing a macro. On it's own ( with WSScript_SetResStr (Num2Str (0, n)); replaced with Message (n)), it returns 32, which is the sum of cells B12 to B16. Nice.


However, calling it with  =RUNSCRIPT('Total Items')  in cell G3, it crashes VW.


If I put  =RUNSCRIPT('Total Items')  in B17, and =B17 in G3, it makes a mess.


Any ideas or reasons would be appreciated.


procedure Total_Items;
i : integer;
n, V : real;
h : handle;

h := GetObject ('Grating - Fabrication List');
for i := 12 to 16 do
	GetWSCellValue (h, i, 2, V);
	n := n + V;
WSScript_SetResStr (Num2Str (0, n));
run (Total_Items);


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