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Story mapping issues with vs.IFC_ExportNoUI() and vs.IFC_ExportWithUI()

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I opened a new project in Vectorworks, created a new layer and story in it using the API, and finally found that I could not export the IFC using vs.IFC_ExportNoUI.


# create a new layer with story
layer_h = vs.CreateLayer("layer2", 1)
vs.SetLayerLevelType(layer_h, 'Slab')
ok = vs.CreateStory("Story-2", "0")
story_h = vs.GetObject("Story-2")
vs.SetLayerElevation(layer_h, 2700, 0)
ok = vs.AssociateLayerWithStory(layer_h, story_h)
vs.SetStoryElevation(story_h, 2700)

# export IFC, doesn't work


I realized that I had to "save the settings" in the IFC export window in the project before I used this function.
But the problem is that after saving the settings, if I continue to add new layers/stories to the project, the layer mapping does not occur automatically when exporting the IFC - I have to manually map the layers and update the number of stories.


Is there a way to automatically update the layer/story mapping and export IFC without UI?

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Another very weird thing about vs.IFC_ExportWithUI() is that it can't export space objects:


# create a new layer with story
layer_h = vs.CreateLayer("layer2", 1)
vs.SetLayerLevelType(layer_h, 'Slab')
ok = vs.CreateStory("Story-2", "0")
story_h = vs.GetObject("Story-2")
vs.SetLayerElevation(layer_h, 2700, 0)
ok = vs.AssociateLayerWithStory(layer_h, story_h)
vs.SetStoryElevation(story_h, 2700)

vertices = [(0,0), (0,10000), (10000, 10000), (10000, 0)]
poly_h = vs.LNewObj()

space_h = vs.Space_CreateSpace(poly_h, 0)

# export IFC, no ifcspace found in export 


I think this is a bug!

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