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Named input nodes with condition?

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i got an "Object node" made by a marionette. It has the inputports of all named input-nodes in the marionette wrapper.


so far so good.


is there any Way to make the not needed Inputports diasappear?

f.E. i got 3 pulldown inputselectors. After selecting the first pulldownoption, some other in pulldown 2 should not be "pickable" or make the third input disappear?


can this node be somehow valved or anything else?



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if i have a network which places cabinets along a polygon, behind each segment 1 cabinet.


in the OIP i need for each segment popups for the (red) symbol to select which has to be there, i dont know how i only got the popups in the same count as the polygon segments has.


Also wenn das Polygon 5 segmente hat, brauche ich auch nur 5 popups zum auswaehlen des symbols.


Momentan habe ich das hart eingebaut, dass ich immer 6 segmente habe.

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  • Marionette Maven

There was a hidden feature, that isn't reliable, where you could place a 2D locus on ports that you aren't using and it would hide them from exposure in the OIP. I haven't tested this recently and it's not documented as it's not a reliable method, but worth a shot if you'd like.


Another option - you may be able to attach a pass node to the input node to hide it. Also untested, but I think it would work.

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