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node for making pulldown out of a preselection

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i would like to have an oip port in my existing marionette, which has a pulldown out of this selection.


so i need a pulldownnode which


SelectObj(INSYMBOL & INVIEWPORT & ((T=POLY) & (N='*Poly*')));


and outputs the name of the selested polyline as a string.


someone has a clue, how to combine the filterselection with nodes?




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i manipulated the code of the node (after i consulted ChatGPT) to get an input port and i tried to output the n-th element of the list i inputted.


This works so far, except the selection is not "changing its selection choicenames" i think it has somethin to do with behaviour and run node complications.


2. if i wrap it, the named node is in the oip palette as a parameter.




the outputstring has to be cleaned so the 2 ' has to be removed.


Maybe someone has a clue, why the hack this is not reacting like i think it "shoud".

Edited by KingChaos
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  • Marionette Maven

It's currently not possible to dynamically change the elements in the OIP popups within Marionette through the script. 


I investigated a different solution a while back that involved using OIP Buttons and popup dialogs, I'll try to remember to look around for it in my free time.

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