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VW Nomad and Ipad

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  • Vectorworks, Inc Employee

To be able to take advantage of LiDAR-based reality capture tools in Nomad, I would recommend the iPad Pro. Without the LiDAR, you will have limited capabilities in Nomad. You can also get an Apple pencil with the Pro. 

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5 hours ago, halfcoupler said:

Anyone knows wether 256 GB Diskspace in daily use is suficcient, or does LIDAR create terrible big files ?


Not terribly big. My scans seem to average 50-100MB per room. Earlier ones where I attempted to scan multiple rooms at once are more like 700MB. Building exteriors are 250-350MB. However Nomad generates two files per scan (one for viewing in Nomad + one for importing into VW) so these MB need to be doubled.


I wouldn't have thought 256GB was a problem.

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11 hours ago, halfcoupler said:

Anyone knows wether 256 GB Diskspace in daily use is suficcient, or does LIDAR create terrible big files ?

How much do you like to do file management?


I agree with Tom that 256 is probably fine for a single project. But if you don't like to move/remove files it could fill-up after a few projects and you will have to keep an eye on old files and remove/archive them.


Just an alternative thought.

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I use my iPhone 15 Pro pretty extensively for LIDAR scans.  I've never deleted anything or even thought about it.


Nomad is currently using 16 GB of storage.  The app itself is 292 MB.


The entire phone has 270 GB (of 512GB) used.


Photos use 6x more memory.


I think 256 GB would be fine if you aren't using it for movies and photos.


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