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Show 3D axis labels - layer plane vs working plane



I am confused as to why the axis labels show up as X' Y' & Z' when [Show 3D axis labels] is selected in the [Snap to Grid] tool and you are on the Layer Plane .


Shouldn't it be X Y & Z for the active layer plane since I was under the impression that X' Y' & Z' was reserved for working planes as shown in the Rotate Object in 3D tool




Frédéric "Oaktown"

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You may be technically correct if the labels refer to just a static plane. However, what you are technically seeing is a Working Plane like any other, it's just that it is aligned to the Internal X, Y, and Z axes. If you click on any one of the axis lines, then the working plane widget will be activated, and you can move the working plane to wherever you need it.


You are correct, though, until the working Plane widget is activated, then yes, I think X, Y, and Z ought to be what the labels should read. It is certainly rather ambiguous.

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@markdd I think Vectorworks makes a pretty clear distinction between Layer Plane and Working plane and as far as I know especially in it moving in 3D and rotating in 3D command, that's the only place where X' Y' & Z' is used for both the layer plane and the working plane. The fact that the axes are labeled with a prime makes if very confusing if someone is trying to reference layer vs working plane when moving or rotating in 3D. 


Also, you're absolutely right that the layer plane is a working plane but it is the default working plane of that layer which is 1) as you say aligned with the internal X Y & Z axes and 2) has been named the layer plane as a norm so it's important that Vectorworks be consistent with its naming & labeling conventions. 


It'd be interesting to know what the VW team replies


Frédéric "Oaktown"

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  • Vectorworks, Inc Employee

@Oaktown Thanks for pointing this out and after looking, it does seem like bug. Went back a "few" versions and found where it was working as shown in the screen shot. Looks like we used to draw both, but I'm not convinced that's the best approach.  If I understand your original comment you think we should draw X,Y,Z when the Working Plane and Layer Plane are coincident, and just draw X', Y', Z' when they're not.  I'll put a bug in for this and appreciate your feedback!

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