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Select by IFC field value

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2 hours ago, Hans-Olav said:

Hei Stig Runar!

I would try to set up a worksheet, searching for IFC and field values 

You would get a rows for every item and could the right-click each row to select the item.

That was a good solution! Only downside was that you can only select one line at a time.. Or is there an other solution?

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I don't believe there is a way to use IFC field values as part of a Criteria.


This script will look at every IFCPlate in the file and only select the ones that have the name entered in the dialog box.  Comment out the StrDialog line to suppress the dialog box and always look for 'HULLDEKKE' or whatever other name you put into the MyName variable.


Procedure SelectByIFCPlateName;
{©2024  Pat Stanford - pat@coviana.com}
{licensed under the Boost Software License 1.0}
{TL/DR Use as you want, attribution for source, No warranty}

Var MyName:String;

Procedure Execute(Hd1:Handle);
VAR	B1:Boolean;
	B1:=IFC_GetEntityProp(Hd1, 'Name', S1, N1); 
	If S1=MyName Then SetSelect(Hd1);

	{change the value in the following line to the IFCPlate Name that you want to select}
	{Comment out the following line (Put curly braces on each end of the line like this one) to suppress the dialog box.}
	MyName:=StrDialog('Enter the name of the IFCPlate(s) to select. Capitalization matters.', MyName);
	ForEachObject(Execute, ((IFC_ENTITY='IfcPlate')));



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