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Project File Drop box Sync anomaly.

Nick Lazzaro




I am wondering if anyone else is having issues with maintaining an active projective file on Dropbox.  I am experience an issue where I am working on the working file for an extended period of time (saving locally periodically) and then go to commit the changes, the Working file looses connection to the Project file and I get a popup asking me to "Reset" the project file.  

Dropbox Settings:

- I do have select sync enabled, but I specifically choose the Project File to be "Allowed off-line".  DB seems to drop this setting consistently, and I find myself always going back to DB to reset this setting before I am able to commit my working file changes. 


One thing I have noticed with the Project File in the DB is that every time someone "Saves and Commit" the Project Files literally disappears from the DB and then reappears after a minute or so after the commit process has completed.  My only guess about why I loose my "allow off-line" setting has do with this committing process when the Project File disappears and reappears in DB. 


I have not seen any issues about this on the forum that I could find, so maybe this might be a specific DB setting on my end but everyone using our project files has to first make sure that the project file is active (synced to the computer) in the DB before committing. 


Any insight would be helpful. 



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