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Objs by Crit -> VSEL not working in Menu Command

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Hi all,


I have created a Marionette menu command which, from selected floor plan symbols in the plan, is supposed to place view symbols at an X distance defined via dialog. The problem is that using Objs by Crit with VSEL=TRUE does not output any objects. However, if I use SEL=TRUE, objects are outputted, but far too many, since selected objects that are not visible (e.g., selected objects in groups and symbols) are also captured. What am I doing wrong or what have I overlooked? Attached is the document with VSEL and SEL:


Regards KroVex


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I don't think you can use the SEL or VSEL criteria and also use a Marionette object in the drawing.  In order to run the Marionette, you have to select it.  This means that you will not have anything else selected on the active Layer.


SEL and VSEL could be used if you wanted to make a Marionette Menu Command, but as a tool they won't work.

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25 minutes ago, Pat Stanford said:

I don't think you can use the SEL or VSEL criteria and also use a Marionette object in the drawing.  In order to run the Marionette, you have to select it.  This means that you will not have anything else selected on the active Layer.


SEL and VSEL could be used if you wanted to make a Marionette Menu Command, but as a tool they won't work.


Thank you for your reply, but the Marionette script is intended as a menu command, not as a Marionette object. Simply put, the menu command retrieves the symbol names and positions of the activated objects and places new symbols on the plan accordingly. Sorry if this was not clear.

Regards KroVex

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53 minutes ago, Antonio Landsberger said:


this behaviour is WAD. Unfortunately there is no criterion "active layer".
So, if you want to filter for certain layers (active layer for example), you have to use the equal and filter nodes to only get the items from that layer.

Hello Antonio, just to make sure I understand you correctly, the following procedure is not possible: Manually activate three symbols in the plan -> Execute menu command -> receive the symbol names of the currently activated symbols?

Even if I additionally filter the objects by the active layer, the problem remains with SEL=TRUE that too many objects are outputted, for example, if anything was once selected in another group on this layer...

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There appears to be a problem with the VSEL criteria.


In a worksheet the VSEL returns as TRUE for a selected object.


Inside the Marionette it does not seem to return any items.


Could you expand your criteria to be SEL & Type is Symbol and get it to do what you want?


@Marissa Farrell Can you comment on using VSEL criteria inside a Marionette Menu Command?

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21 hours ago, Pat Stanford said:

Could you expand your criteria to be SEL & Type is Symbol and get it to do what you want?

I have found two ways to solve my problem. Path 1: I execute the command "vs.DSelectAll" before the menu command and then use the menu command with SEL=TRUE - which is somewhat cumbersome. Path 2: Instead of the menu command, I have created a Marionette object from all symbols, with which I can directly switch the views. I have now decided to go with this path...

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