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Grade Site Modifiers Not Working as Expected

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Hi All,


This is an issue from another post but it seems to have become lost in a wider discussion there so posting in isolation here. 


I am hoping to make my workflow more efficient by using site models more. Instead of using stake objects and aligned hardscapes I hope to modify site models using grades and stakes and have hardscapes drape onto the site model. 


When I link 4 grades to make a square area the centre of the square sits at existing levels instead of an elevated surface inferred between grade points (as I would expect an aligned  hardscape to behave between stakes). I understand that this shouldn't happen if the grades are linked. 


Am I missing a key step? Image below. modifier grades and site model on same layer. 




Many thanks,



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Ah - no I don't. Placing a grade limit around the whole site model seems to have resolved it. Grade limits were mentioned on the other thread but not explicitly that you need one around the outside of the entire site to make the grades work as expected (in my case the whole site will be modified hence around the whole site).


Many - thanks. This should speed things up no-end. 

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