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Inserting symbols into slabs


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6 minutes ago, Gal said:

Hello everyone,


Is there a way to insert a symbol such as a recessed light fixture into a slab while making a hole in it as with walls?





Yes. Using the 'Add 3D Object to Slab...' command. The symbol doesn't need to have 'Insert in Walls' enabled. Include a Wall Hole Component in the normal way if required. The only issue is that Data Tags don't 'see' the symbol once it becomes a Slab Modifier. Bit like skylight symbols added to Roofs.

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  • 9 months later...

Your 'slab' would need to be a countertop for this to work. It's not good practice to use objects like a countertop for a slab - you'll end up with all sorts of issues with wall/floor interactions, ifc etc. Tom's solution is the best at present, but there is a hope that the functionality of the countertop/hole cutting geometry is proliferated throughout the program.

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Yes why would you need to consider using a Countertop when the functionality is already there with Slabs...? I wouldn't have thought not being able to use 2D geometry in the Hole component was that much of a deal-breaker. Granted, it's easier to identify a Symbol in Countertop + easier to move it around afterwards but again, but I don't think either are that big a deal at the end of the day. The Add 3D Object to Slab functionality works really well + is a great feature. I wish we could add/subtract 3D objects to Walls as well... 🙂


Also, what I said above about Data Tags not being able to 'see' symbols inserted in Slabs was not strictly correct. Either I was wrong or something changed but although a tag won't see a slab modifier on the Design Layer it will see it in a viewport, which is the only place I'd want to tag it anyway so there isn't really any issue here.

Edited by Tom W.
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