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Site model contours - update 4

Ross Harris


We almost got there....

The ability to place contour labels under a poly line is fantastic... but... why oh why, can we not have an easy way to start with no contour labels and allow the polyline mode to place them where we want and these be the only contour labels on the site model? Am I missing something?

For all the amazing capabilities in the site model that really stands VW apart, its things like this to document a 2d plan that completely let the whole show down. That and property line annotations - these should be data taggable. The big R gets this stuff right..

Generally, the tweaking to the site contour labelling in this update has been fantastic and has been wished for many times on this forum over the years... but it just needed to go the extra millimeter to give total control of labels to the user. 🥹

Please.. in Update 5 can we have the option to have no contour labels on the site model but still use the polyline mode to place them?

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In the Site Model Settings, deactivate "Custom lable placement" and put in 0 for "Maximum Labels per contour." OK. This will eliminate all automatically generated contour labels. Then go back and activate "Custom label placement." You'll now be able to use the "Add Contour Labels" button on the OI-palette to create your labels along a polyline wherever you want them.

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Although that achieves the result, the update has resolved one workaround (contour units) and added another with the steps to create a label less site model to use the 'add contours' button and tools.

One takeaway is that it is less onerous that tricking the site model to stay in a different unit to the rest of the project units... but still - how is a new user supposed to work this out?

Also, 'custom label placement' should be renamed to 'Auto contour placement' There's nothing custom about that preference in the dialog. The user should be able to turn this off and still be able to use the tools activated by the 'add contour labels' button in the OIP


So, for update 5 or VW 2025, can we please:

  • Rename 'Custom Label Placement' to 'Auto label placement'
  • Allow the 'add contour label' tools to be used when the above pref is off.

Once that's done, we just need to property lines to be data taggable and it will be just about perfect. 😍


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