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Insert symbol in wall

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Dear Vectorworks forum

I'm trying to create a script to insert a symbol in a wall.
After both object have been selected, then I'm trying using vs.CreateDuplicateObject() or vs.SetParent() to fit the symbol in the wall but, without result. 

Thanks in advance. 

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Hi @Andreas,

   Yes, that is the call to insert a symbol/pio into a wall.


   Using VW to help reverse engineer the code, I placed a Window in Wall and exported the VW file to a script file that defines the geometry. Use menu File>Export>Export Script...


   This doesn't always work for complicated files, but for simple things it's a great way to see what calls are used and how they are arranged.


    Here's a small script I built by copying the Wall and Window from the text dump (Export Script...). I found the relevant calls in the middle of the file and copied them to a new file, then rearranged a few calls and renamed the temp handles to make it easier to follow. Comments were also added for readability. To see what this represents, copy and paste this code into a script resource and run it. Then change some number, rerun, and notice the effects of the changes. It's a great learning tool for new commands. 


{ Sample script to insert a Window into a Wall. The units are in mm. }
	WallHandle, WindowHandle :Handle;
	boolResult :Boolean;
	{ set pen and fill attributes }
	PenFore(0, 0, 0);
	PenBack(65535, 65535, 65535);
	FillFore(0, 0, 0);
	FillBack(65535, 65535, 65535);

	NameClass('None');	{ set class to use }
	Wall(-5400, 2000, 5000, 2000);				{ create a wall }
	SetObjectVariableReal(LNewObj, 604, 3048);		{ Wall Start Height Top }
	SetObjectVariableReal(LNewObj, 605, 0);			{ Wall Start Height Bottom }
	SetObjectVariableReal(LNewObj, 606, 3048);		{ Wall End Height Top }
	SetObjectVariableReal(LNewObj, 607, 0);			{ Wall End Height Bottom }
	SetObjectVariableReal(LNewObj, 621, 3048);		{ Wall Overall Height Top }
	SetObjectVariableReal(LNewObj, 622, 0);			{ Wall Overall Height Bottom }
	SetObjectVariableReal(LNewObj, 618, 152.4);		{ Set Wall Width }
	ClearCavities;						{ start with an empty wall }
	WallHandle := LNewObj;					{ save handle to the Wall }
	WallCap(FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, 0, 0);
	AddSymToWallEdge(LNewObj,  5300, 0, FALSE, FALSE, 'Window', 0);	{ insert object into wall }
	boolResult := SetObjWallInsLocOff(LNewObj,  WallHandle,  0);	{ shifts object to inside/outside of wall }
	WallCap(TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, 0, 0);
	ResetObject(WallHandle);				{ reset the Wall object }
	WindowHandle := LNewObj;				{ save handle to the Window - not used, but could be used later }

	SysBeep;		{ make noise when done }



Here's the same thing in Python. Again, the code was gathered from text dump from the program using Export Script.


import vs
# Sample Python script to insert a Window into a Wall. The units are in mm.

# set pen and fill attributes
vs.PenFore((0, 0, 0))
vs.PenBack((65535, 65535, 65535))
vs.FillFore((0, 0, 0))
vs.FillBack((65535, 65535, 65535))

vs.NameClass('None')					# set class to use
vs.Wall(-5400, 2000, 5000, 2000)			# create a wall
vs.SetObjectVariableReal(vs.LNewObj(), 604, 3048)	# WallStartHeightTop
vs.SetObjectVariableReal(vs.LNewObj(), 605, 0)		# WallStartHeightBottom
vs.SetObjectVariableReal(vs.LNewObj(), 606, 3048)	# WallEndHeightTop
vs.SetObjectVariableReal(vs.LNewObj(), 607, 0)		# WallEndHeightBottom
vs.SetObjectVariableReal(vs.LNewObj(), 621, 3048)	# WallOverallHeightTop
vs.SetObjectVariableReal(vs.LNewObj(), 622, 0)		# WallOverallHeightBottom
vs.SetObjectVariableReal(vs.LNewObj(), 618, 152.4)	# SetWallWidth

vs.ClearCavities()			# start with an empty Wall
WallHandle = vs.LNewObj()		# save handle to the Wall
vs.WallCap(False, True, False, 0, 0)
vs.AddSymToWallEdge(vs.LNewObj(), 5300, 0, False, False, 'Window', 0)	# insert object into wall
boolResult = vs.SetObjWallInsLocOff(vs.LNewObj(),  WallHandle,  0)	# shifts object to inside/outside of wall
vs.WallCap(True, True, False, 0, 0)
vs.ResetObject(WallHandle)		# reset the Wall object
WindowHandle = vs.LNewObj()		#  save handle to the Window - not used, but could be used later 

vs.SysBeep()				# make noise when done


   One caveat to keep in mind, LNewObj is a function that returns a handle to the last object created (usually — but Groups don't follow this rule when they get created.) Think of LNewObj as a temporary handle. If you want to save a handle for use later in the script, assign LNewObj to a program variable and keep on drawing. Notice "WallHandle" is used this way.




Edited by MullinRJ
added Python
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