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AI Visualizer - FAQ

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  • Administrator
30 minutes ago, VIRTUALENVIRONS said:

Do you need Service Select to see AI Visualizer?


Yes, that is correct.


Is the AI Visualizer compatible with my version of Vectorworks?

The AI Visualizer was introduced in Vectorworks 2024 Update 4 and is now accessible to all customers with active Subscriptions and Vectorworks Service Select members across all products (Fundamentals, Architect, Landmark, Spotlight). 

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  • Vectorworks, Inc Employee
1 hour ago, VIRTUALENVIRONS said:

I have never used Cloud Service (that I know of).  Not sure what you mean when you say "sign out'.  Do you mean restart?

If you aren't running the Cloud Service app, sign out of Vectorworks from this button on the top right corner, then shut down and restart Vectorworks. Sign-in again and the problem should go away.


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1 hour ago, VIRTUALENVIRONS said:

Thank you for that.  I have uninstalled the newest Version.  What I would really like to do is re-install Version 3.1.  Is that possible?


See instructions in the following post for how to revert / downgrade to an old Service Pack, instructions are for 2023 but are the same for 2024.


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Dear Administrator,

Yesterday, when I opened my WV Landmark 2024 I noticed that the update 4 is available, despite no VSS at that moment. I installed it as usual, however after installation and restring my computer VW program hardly responds, looks like frozen. What does this mean? What I need to do now to make my program working? Do I need to uninstall update 4? and how? And why this update appear available for me if I do not have VSS?

Thank you for your information.


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On 3/13/2024 at 6:39 AM, Tamsin Slatter said:

You'll also need to update your Vectorworks Cloud Services app. Just open it, go to the About menu and run Refresh. 

Then restart Vectorworks.

Can you walk me through this? I don't see "refresh".  Cloud services is running, and says it is up to date.  I did all the steps above except for the "refresh" because I can't find it....but I also still do not see AI Visualizer in the model menu.  Thank you!



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  • Vectorworks, Inc Employee
On 3/15/2024 at 5:41 PM, LCarm said:

Can you walk me through this? I don't see "refresh".  Cloud services is running, and says it is up to date.  I did all the steps above except for the "refresh" because I can't find it....but I also still do not see AI Visualizer in the model menu.  Thank you!



If you're up to date on the Cloud Services app, all is good with that and you won't see the Refresh button. 
Within Vectorworks, if you don't see it on the Model menu, you may be using a workspace that has saved itself in your user folder and is therefore considered a "custom" workspace. You can add the menu item yourself using Tools > Workspaces > Edit Current workspace. 
And you may also find it under the Windows > Palettes > Web palettes menu.

Good luck!

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  • Vectorworks, Inc Employee
On 3/16/2024 at 6:57 PM, Eric Marin said:

Does this mean that the AI Visualizer isn´t available?

Ia have been unable to get the command line, even doing everything that has been mentioned here

Screenshot 2024-03-16 at 12.54.54 PM.png

I'm not sure... why you are not able to see it. See my note above about adding it to the workspace.
The AI visualizer is processed on Vectorworks Cloud Services, and is available only with a subscription or as a benefit of an active Vectorworks Service Select agreement.

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