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Data Vis Frustration

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  • Vectorworks, Inc Employee
11 hours ago, Rick Berge said:

You can also pick individual colors in the DV dialog, and then export that as a palette to make it easier to reuse your chosen colors in a future DV scheme.

"You can also pick individual colors in the DV dialog, and then export that as a palette to make it easier to reuse your chosen colors in a future DV scheme."

Thanks Rick, was not aware of that.

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7 hours ago, TomWhiteLight said:

In terms of a long list of symbols I also add additional criteria such as class and/or Record Format is present or even 'Field Value' is. Or even Symbol name 'Contains'.

Providing you have setup your file and workflow diligently then extra criteria can be applied which can help you filter further.

Hi Tom,


I'm a bit confused... So you can limit the iems in the list by Class? Would you be able to help me do that please? I can't get it to do that at the moment. That would solve my problem totally.

Edited by Chris J Clarke
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  • Vectorworks, Inc Employee

The top and bottom of the Edit Data Vis dialog are currently quite separate.  The bottom ("Display Criteria") is only the mapping for what Values get what attributes, full stop.  It starts with all possible values it can find in the current document.  The top ("Object Criteria") refers to the drawing, selecting what objects you want to participate in data vis. 


If you are saying there are drawing objects not getting colored properly, that would be a bug or behavior to investigate.  If you are saying you want the Object Criteria list to have fewer values by default, there is no way to do that today other than to not have those objects in your document, or to manually delete them from the list. And they will come back. That's not a bug. What color do you want if one of those undesirable bits of truss are used in the train for the first time?  Do you want to think about that when you're setting up the scheme, or later when it happens?   There are some enhancement requests for managing that bottom list of values, and when they're addressed we'll have to find a some balance between keeping inappropriate things off the list and allowing things that aren't used just yet.

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Is there a way to color a specific portion of an object? For example, the stock VW Hoist geometry has a class "rigging-Hoist-Hoist Color-Lodestar" which is the only colored portion of the 2D symbol. I want ONLY those small portions of the hoist symbol to change, not the entire 2D object. 

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  • Vectorworks, Inc Employee

The only way to do this would be to remove the fill from the other 2d components that you don't want Data vis to fill and leave the fill of the objects that you want coloured.

And then set Data Vis to apply a fill.

it does not apply fill to classes.

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  • 3 months later...
  • Vectorworks, Inc Employee
2 hours ago, matteoluigi said:

what did you wish for in that enhancement request? (you can write me a pm, if needed, I'm member in the Beta-Board as well)


It was regarding the filtering list.

If criteria has already been specified of a Plug In Object chosen then the list should only show applicable items rather than every item that is in the file.

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5 minutes ago, TomWhiteLight said:

If criteria has already been specified of a Plug In Object chosen then the list should only show applicable items rather than every item that is in the file.

like, if I set the criteria for all walls in the ground floor layer, it would be great, if the data visualization would only list wallstyles from the ground floor. (no more other object styles and wallstyles which do not match the criteria) can you tell me the VE-Nr Plz? If you want in a PM

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Posted (edited)
12 minutes ago, Chris J Clarke said:

Do you know when this change might come to Vectorworks please Tom? Is it planned for a specific version?

well, creating a wish doesn't affect it to be realized automatically 😞

I'm afraid, there won't be any news, but, I don't know

Edited by matteoluigi
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