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Truss Tools - Improve the time it takes to change truss lengths and types.

Stefan B.




I have for a long time been bothered by the time it takes to swap trusses around. I felt that to just change from 3m trusses to 2m trusses or change from HOF to Prolyte or other brands takes A LOT OF TIME. I have never really taken the time, but today I did a small recording of the process. See the video below.


I wonder, is this how VW thinks it should look and how long it should take for this process? Is this all within VW's expectations and results?


I for one think it is missing some feedback on both processes, Vectorworks is now working on this, and that, and we are so far along the way to completing the process. And I think this should be done in a fraction of the time. It almost takes the same time as if I were to draw the trusses, with all hoists and fixtures from scratch. Looking at what other software can do in the same amount of time, I'm blown away that this process takes 5 minutes for this "simple" operation.





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