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Cabeling on a project

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Good evening.


After watching some videos about ConnectCAD, I still haven't gained complete clarity on some of the functionalities that I expected the plugin to fulfill (and perhaps it does).

The videos I come across on VW University mainly focus on creating racks and cabling zones, not so much on the wiring process within a project.
With these videos, I get the impression that ConnectCAD is more of a standalone plugin rather than a specific complement for use in Spotlight projects. Is this perception correct? I hope not 😅


Typically, I used to plan cabling with regular lines and boxes, identifying them as the specific device: Artnet Node, DMX Splitter, Network Switch, Lighting Console, Video Server. An image is attached for illustration.

The network is the dashed line
-- FTP cable -> yellow
-- Optical fibre -> orange

DMX is the yellow solid line

However, I'd like to have a more efficient planning process, including reports on the required cabling for a specific project, taking into account existing constraints (e.g., Ethernet cables never exceeding 80 meters).

Is it possible to achieve these tasks with ConnectCAD?

Furthermore, I'd like to know if there's any video that demonstrates a complete ConnectCAD project from start to finish like the "VECTORWORKS SPOTLIGHT ESSENTIALS SEMINAR"

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  • Vectorworks, Inc Employee

Hi @Cristiano Alves


ConnectCAD and Spotlight have indeed developed separately. Until several years ago ConnectCAD was an independent product. Now as part of Vectorworks we have begun a process of closer integration with Spotlight. ConnectCAD is more aimed towards permanent audio-visual installations. It handles theoretical schematic design, physical layout of equipment and cable routes, and has extensive reporting and visualisation features to allow you to present your design to project stakeholders.


Short answer - for sure ConnectCAD can help you. And it's not that hard to learn. The online help is helpful! I know that there are not as many tutorial videos as for example with Spotlight. This is a question of resources and hours in the day.



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10 hours ago, Conrad Preen said:

Hi @Cristiano Alves

Short answer - for sure ConnectCAD can help you. And it's not that hard to learn. The online help is helpful! I know that there are not as many tutorial videos as for example with Spotlight. This is a question of resources and hours in the day.




I understand And thank you for your message.


With you, I've watched some presentation videos of ConnectCAD and others providing an overview of the tools, and they indicate that it will be possible to do what I intend to do.


The issue is that there is no video on how to do it or how to use those tools. And that's the reason why I bought it.

There are ConnectCAD videos showing some tools being used.

However, the menus and open windows fade in the video. It's challenging to see where people need to click to access certain tools.



When you mention online help, can you point me to where that help is? Or a manual?

Thank you

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You're not alone Cristiano. 

My company (AV integrations) also opted to make the leap and change platforms from WireCAD to Vectorworks after some last year Infocomm.  2 months later we're still using WireCAD for CAD drafts and doc subs. 

The content gap between CC and the older suites but that I have no doubts there will be plenty soon enough.

In the meantime are you familiar with the 'Sample File' resources on the launch dashboard (VW Univ>Type)?

You'll find some gems there, especially the '...Store' demo (attached) which has a good mix of signal flow-related examples. 

Hope that helps, gl!

23_Vectorworks Store_CCD_ENT Sample Drawing Set_1.pdf

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On 1/10/2024 at 4:59 AM, C. Wimberly said:

You're not alone Cristiano. 

My company (AV integrations) also opted to make the leap and change platforms from WireCAD to Vectorworks after some last year Infocomm.  2 months later we're still using WireCAD for CAD drafts and doc subs. 

The content gap between CC and the older suites but that I have no doubts there will be plenty soon enough.

In the meantime are you familiar with the 'Sample File' resources on the launch dashboard (VW Univ>Type)?

You'll find some gems there, especially the '...Store' demo (attached) which has a good mix of signal flow-related examples. 

Hope that helps, gl!

23_Vectorworks Store_CCD_ENT Sample Drawing Set_1.pdf 1.63 MB · 3 downloads

I understood the example you shared in the PDF.


However, besides being easier to represent this cable planning directly in the project, ConnectCAD videos suggest that this is possible.


Still, even by observing your example; even if only a scheme like that could be executed, where each fixture, DMX splitter, ArtNet node, network switch, etc., were treated as blocks, and connections were established between them, I haven't found any tutorial that effectively teaches me how to do it.

I'm seeking help in this regard.



Moreover, cable planning goes beyond a graphical diagram of connections; although important, it is not the most crucial aspect.

Cable planning involves managing the length of cables in stock or the maximum distance each cable of a certain type can have.



I feel isolated in this situation. I buy it because what I saw in the overview videos indicated that there were some tools, and I always considered Vectorworks University and its webinars as great resources to learn and start anew. It was a mistake not to have looked for ConnectCAD tutorials before making the purchase to better evaluate the capabilities presented in the overview videos.


I'm not saying the tools don't exist;

I'm just trying to find a way to effectively learn and use ConnectCAD.

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  • 11 months later...

Hi everyone,

I’m revisiting this topic because I’ve never found a good solution for my needs.
(I ask for you check the first image)
And yes, I can do the cable project similar to the image like I have on the first post, but the management of cable length is much more complex on a 2D diagram.


I have a structure where I need to manage and document all power and data cables so that my team has clear information for setup. Here's what I want to achieve:

  • Green: Fibre (Lighting Team)
  • Green Dots: Fibre Switch
  • Blue: Ethernet Cat6A (Lighting Team)
  • Red Dots: Shuko Electrical Outlets (for Electrical Team)
  • Information about: where is the position for DMX artnet nodes, and information about the IPs addresses, Splitters DMX, etc


I want to prepare all cable management beforehand and generate detailed documentation, including quantities and types of cables required.




My Questions:

  • How can I do this efficiently in ConnectCAD?
  • Can ConnectCAD produce reports with all the necessary details (cable types, lengths, quantities, etc.)?
  • Are there alternative tools or workflows within Vectorworks that could work better for this purpose?

Any tips, workflows, or examples from your own experience would be highly appreciated!


Thank you in advance!



Edited by Cristiano Alves
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  • 4 weeks later...
  • Vectorworks, Inc Employee
On 12/15/2024 at 2:16 AM, Cristiano Alves said:
  • How can I do this efficiently in ConnectCAD?
  • Can ConnectCAD produce reports with all the necessary details (cable types, lengths, quantities, etc.)?
  • Are there alternative tools or workflows within Vectorworks that could work better for this purpose?

This is more of a Spotlight cable tools workflow. ConnectCAD is designed primarilly for the permanent installation where cable runs are created from custom cut lengths of cable not stocks of standard length cables like in the live events industry.
At the moment the Spotlight cable tools are primarily for power cabling but can be used for DMX and other data cable types with a little work. The will create the lists of cable types, lengths etc that you need, with the added benefet of being able to create power schematics from your cable plans.

The create power schematic command is new in 2025, and is our replacement for the previous power planning palette that never really worked as we had hoped.

Data cable management such as ip planning will need to be done with worksheets or custom data records, thought the power schematic devices will document some of this data in their records.

Heres some links to the recent coffee breaks that @Scott C. Parker did on cable planning and power schematics





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  • Vectorworks, Inc Employee

ConnectCAD automatically matches connectivity on a system schematic with cable paths defined on architectural drawings. So you don't draw the physical cables. They are inferred from the connectivity and the path. Since many connections share the same path this is an efficient way of doing things. And as Jesse says more aimed at permanent installations.


Spotlight users use ConnectCAD to create detailed signal flow diagrams for their network configs. And they use Spotlight Cable tools for the bulk wiring. It's up to you in the end - whatever works. You can assign a Spotlight Cable to a ConnectCAD Circuit using the Cable parameter popup. That way ConnectCAD knows to use the length of the selected cable for that circuit. There is good interoperability between the systems.


Hope that helps.



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I admit, im not deep into this and may be missing a lot...


I don't do massive events, (12/16 projectors, simple led walls, few cameras, no venue is bigger than 500' x 500') but for me i've found the tape measure tool more effective than the cable management inside vectorworks (or i have no idea what i'm talking about)... When drawing the devices and connecting them for the tech team to install i put the cable lengths (known by using the measuring tool and having a pencil/paper list of "control to down stage", "FOH camera position to engineering racks", etc) into the circuit shape length.  I can then pull reports and drop one of our standardized cable kits into the order and add any extra cables as necessary.


I have played with the create equipment, put the symbols into the 3d space, make cable paths, connect the symbols, and then just use the analyze routes etc... to much squeeze for not enough juice. To your point i've never found a way to have vectorworks say... "put a large sdi kit, small HDMi kit, etc" based on the inventory, i just look at the generated cable list and go.... "hmmm 2 large SDI, a tall workbox and a large venue power kit."  


Im not sure i would even trust it, if it did.  



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  • 2 weeks later...

Good sharing in this post, thanks to the Vectorworks workers themselves for being so close to the user community.



On 1/15/2025 at 9:52 AM, Conrad Preen said:

@EricSeipel The great thing about Vectorworks and ConnectCAD is that you are not forced into a complicated workflow to solve simple problems. If the tape measure works for you that's great - whatever floats your boat !!!

More or less, for example:
I was probably an analysis error on my part, but I bought Connect CAD because I thought it would solve some easy wiring problems for me, and in fact, I continue to use lines and text tools to write the length of the cables and an excel list of the same.

I saw some videos at the time from ConnectCAD (Actually, I saw all the available ones, because there weren't many), and I thought this plugin would help me at work, the problem is that since I bought it I still haven't used it!





Regarding my wiring needs, I'll leave this image here again:




I do events where understanding the quantity and size of the cables is important (events that have long distances and where I need to constantly evaluate whether I have to use Ethernet or fiber, and whether I can use DMX or whether I have to install an artnet node via fiber optics.
We all have other needs regarding wiring, like sharing a schematic of wiring to share with the team on the field. 
I can share the "wiring schematic" that I make for my last "outdoor event"





This assessment could be greatly facilitated with some tool of this type, and preferably with an implementation that is easy to do in 2D/3D space.

For example, this is important information for my team to configure the ARTNET system:

I thought that ConnectCAD would help me to make these types of diagrams, which are not very easy to do when I have to do it in 3D.


Edited by Cristiano Alves
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