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Classing and graphic style of circuit graphics bubble?

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Looking at modifying my circuit bubble graphics. The "Connector" and "Number" classes edit the look of the corresponding items in the circuit, but nothing seems to affect the bubble (I use mine for Cable Type). 


Just looking at doing basic stuff like font type, fill, size, etc. 


Is this something that is:

- Locked?

- Editable by the "Edit Circuit Graphics" dialog box using script or commands? (if so, is there a resource for those commands?)

- Something coming in a future release?

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  • Vectorworks, Inc Employee

Hi @livespace josha


Just been playing around with that. The overall attributes of the circuit are controlled by the signal type class e.g. CC-Circuit-Signal-HDV. So a text style applied to this affects the text in the bubble. You have to move the bubble to get the circuit to correctly recalculate the size. I notice that the text style background is also applied but only under the text and that can look a bit strange. So to cut a long story short I agree this needs some work. But before we go there could you tell me your expectations?


I like to know what sort of thing you would want to do.



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Thanks @Conrad Preen and @Nikolay Zhelyazkov. Funny story...while at the gym after work I thought: "I bet if I modify the circuit type's class, it will work!"


Thinking more about it... A cool feature would be a global "Circuit Style" that could affect all circuits, not on just on a class-by-class basis. I know Vectorworks {as a whole} is migrating towards the "style" route for many items like viewports, windows, walls, etc. Maybe some ConnectCAD items follow? But still being able to edit those individually is still needed. 


The option to have the bubble be a solid fill is a nice idea. Map the fill color to a data visualization for field vs. rack cables? Or new vs. existing cabling?


ConnectCAD sure has come a long way... Just dug through my archive, and my first license came through June 2017!

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3 hours ago, livespace josha said:


The option to have the bubble be a solid fill is a nice idea. Map the fill color to a data visualization for field vs. rack cables? Or new vs. existing cabling?

This exactly. And the same when using arrow circuits (which also have a pill, similar to how all circuits have a bubble), we would want to fill that solid based on similar things - legacy vs new cabling, rack internal cable vs cable pulled through containment etc. Ideally via data vis.

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