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Finding objects with the same X,Y,Z Coordinates and selecting them.

Nick Lazzaro

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Hello, although I am long time user of VW I have not dabbled in the Marionette realm at all.  When I was tasked to figure out a way to find duplicated objects that occupy the same X,Y,Z/Rotation (essentially objects that are on top of each other), my thought was look for a Marionette solution. 



I work in an arena style arts venue that builds our own 600 to 800 seat tribune for every production.  We have a hybrid symbol for the chairs we use, and when we create the seating layout and chart, we usually start with one chair and duplicate to create a row and then duplicate the row up the tribune.  We use worksheets and fields for row and number labeling, so rarely are we counting each seat.  Sometimes the chair symbol gets duplicated on top of another chair symbol, thus our total chair count on worksheet does not match the tribune, which obviously causes issues with the box office. It usually takes some time to count the seats and then to find the rouge duplicated seat(s).  


My thought was to use a Marionette network to isolate and select duplicated symbols that exist on top of each other.  If there is another way, I would be happy to investigate.  


So far, I have a very basic network where I can list the coordinates and see the duplicates, but I would like to take another step where the network would identify the duplicates (from what I can tell this might need to be specific syntax) and select them. See attached screenshot with three apparent chairs, but there are actually four which is represented in the list as existing on the same coordinate. This is where I am not sure how to proceed as I could not find a node that will identify duplicate coordinates. 


Any suggestions are much appreciated.Screenshot2023-11-15at1_43_56PM.png.88821258605f7cc35e3dee4ab5783fbd.png


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@Nick Armory


An easy Worksheet to look at chair counts


Isolate / Select chair to count only the desired set

Worksheet shows the XCenter and YCenter for each symbol

Symbol (=S) in the first column with Count (=Count) is in the last column

Summarize the XCenter and the YCenter columns

Note that the Count, where a duplicate is in this example, becomes 2

In the first Column (The Grey Column with Numbers 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 etcetera...)

Right click and Select Item - this will show you where the pair in that row is on the drawing


May also help to isolate the chairs in a group or on a different layer - easy to ungroup or move back after the duplicate resection.





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