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Equipment Item Attribute Fill Missing in 2024, Layout > Create Rack Elevation


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In 2023 we would use different fills to signify different types of rack gear or if an item was Owner Furnished.  Now these fills for Equipment Items all go missing when we use the ConnectCAD > Layout > Create Rack Elevation command.


It appears this is cutting a section viewport so I tried to change the Background Render to Shaded, this causes the viewport to just no longer appear correctly.


If I edit Section-In-Place and rotate off-axis and turn on shaded I can see these attributes.  Can someone explain how to display these attributes in the "Create Rack Elevation viewport?


I'm attaching some screenshots to show what I'm referring to above.

2024 Rack EL-1.png

2024 Rack EL-2.png

2024 Rack EL-3.png

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  • Vectorworks, Inc Employee

Hello @btgroves,


I was able to get the fills displayed with the following settings:


1) Background render set to Shaded

2) Foreground Render set to Hidden Line




I think that fills are not supported in Hidden Line render so you should use Shaded for this to work for you.


The other way to go for this could be to use Pen Color instead and then it will be visible in Hidden Line too.


Let me know if this helps.


Best Regards,

Nikolay Zhelyazkov

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@Nikolay Zhelyazkov Thank you for the tips!


This worked well although I actually had better luck with using "Final Shaded Polygon" for the Background Render setting.  When using Shaded, due to the render type or possibly the light emitter and shadows the text and line rendering did not seem as "sharp" as previous 2D rack viewports we would use in VW 2023.  I've attached a picture below. 


On a separate subject I would also add, the new "Show Ruler" toggle and the repositioning of the numbers to centered on rack spaces is a feature we are VERY happy to have!  Many equipment rack manufacturers assign numbers to the center of each space, our install team will appreciate the update!


Thanks again for the help!

Screenshot 2023-11-02 at 8.56.28 AM.png

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