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Import Export .IFC woes and "Story 1"


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So I want to import an IFC, and export it again with the same filestructure (i.e. the given IFC-Stories)


From the VW Manual:

"For a project initially set up with stories, mapping is done automatically so that the layers assigned to the building stories are automatically included in the Mapped Layers list and are mapped to an appropriately named story (Vectorworks Architect or Landmark required). Mapping can also be controlled manually."


When I import my IFC into VW I get the IFC-Layers shown, i.e. IFC-0, IFC-1,....IFC-5


It imports and I get "IFC-0 Layer", "IFC-1 Layer" etc., all fine. The Layers are marked "IFC-ASSOC", all good so far.


Goal: add some Geometry, Tag it (IFC...), and export the IFC again.


Now in the (Export IFC Project) IFC "mapping" the stories are not automatically mapped in the first place,

I first have to increase "Number of Stories" to see them appear in the "VW Story Name" dropdown.


And then there is always "Story 1", which I don`t have in my Project and thus don`t want exported to the IFC.

(Set "Number of Stories" one too high and you get more unwanted stories, i.e. Story-7 etc.)


Plus I can not get the IFC-0 Story (where Z=0) exported as a Story, unless I assign it to "Site", plus the Name doesn`t transfer to the IFC.


So: how to get rid of "Story-1", which now is always added to my IFC export ? How the transfer the Z=0 Story properly ?


Is there some more in depth Info that goes a little further than online-help and university links ?


Again, all I want is to import an IFC, and export it with the same filestructure (i.e. IFC-Stories)







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Thanks Hans, I figured that one out - but essentially this means I have to manually rename all Stories to their original names from the IFC again.

( I guess this is to fix when initially importing the IFC, and not adding "Layer" to everything ...)


Also it seems "Site" cant be renamed here, it has to be named under the > Data> Site Data > Name > "Site Name goes here"

Same goes for Building; it has to be named under the > Data> Building Data > Name > "Building Name goes here"


This then comes through to the IFC:




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  • 3 months later...

I am also finding IFC export laborious. Seems bizarre that the stories in the IFC dialogue are not linked to the stories in the file. I wanted to export layers from the total of four stories in the file. I controlled the export by manually defining the number of storeys, 4,  and dragging layers into four of the six available ones in the dialogue (six because I had two unused stories which I had deleted but were not deleted from the dialague). Renamed them.  An import check shows the four stories were exported. This is not a normal workflow for me admittedly. I suppose it's normal for the several layers of a storey to become one "IFC" layer?

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