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Apple macOS 14 Sonoma Compatibility - Feedback


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19 hours ago, tdiamond said:

For those of you running external/multiple displays and experiencing performance issues on macOS 14.4/14.5…


In System Settings > Desktop & Dock, can you please try turning 'Displays have separate Spaces'. Let us know if this helps.




I also have that option set to on by default i didn't even knew it was there!

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"Displays have separate spaces"? What in the heck is that supposed to mean? My English Lit teacher from decades ago would be ruthless in her assessment. "Total rewrite," she would insist, "I recognize the individual words and know their definitions, but the way they are strung together coveys no meaning." She was great. "Displays have separate spaces." That is a nonsense phrase if there ever was one.



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  • 4 weeks later...

Has anyone been able to confirm that 14.5 works well with VW 2024 Latest revision ? I have a full team of designers on Ventura because they  use external displays and they were having too many crashing issues.  Did the " Display have Separate Spaces" resolved the problem? I will have a few testers give me some feedback and will update the thread with the results. 

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1 hour ago, MBarahona said:

Has anyone been able to confirm that 14.5 works well with VW 2024 Latest revision ?


For me that works great.



1 hour ago, MBarahona said:

because they use external displays and they were having too many crashing issues.


Crashes, lags and all sort of things.

That was always a problem with external/multi monitor setups and VW unfortunately.

That is something that Mac desktop users with a single monitore do not experience.

So for me VW is pretty stable on Sonoma.


That does not help of course, because the majority of users may work on Macbook Pros,

maybe in clamshell mode with an external monitor or even with multi monitor setups.

I am not sure if other users of GPU demanding Software 3D Software is really hassle free

or just uses mostly different configurations but I do not read that much issues on other

forums. Doesn't mean that I think there could not be issues that have to be solved

by Apple itself.



1 hour ago, MBarahona said:

I have a full team of designers on Ventura because


Maybe it is good to keep that configuration for another while ..... if VW 2024 ist still

supported on Ventura (?)

On the other hand, Sequoia is near.

Maybe it is worth to examine a VW test setup with Sequoia Public Beta in case

Apple made some progress.

Edited by zoomer
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  • 3 weeks later...

I wouldn't up grade to sonoma yet.  I'm using sonoma 14.5 with MacBook pro m3 max chip with external monitor connected with HDMI cable and vwks 2024 v6. when I have wks running on the external display Vectorworks it runs fine for a while then it gets real slow, bogs down, spinning wheel of death ,etc. When I drag the window to the MacBook display it runs fine snappy and responsive. Super frustrating.

"Displays have separate spaces" is checked on, is it supposed to be on or off ?

Edited by Kurt M
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  • Vectorworks, Inc Employee
On 8/2/2024 at 7:26 AM, Kurt M said:

"Displays have separate spaces" is checked on

This is the setting I use. I am running MacBook Pro M1 Max 64GB and an external 4K monitor over USB. (I have seen similar issues stated for Adobe users on their forums.)


Have you tried restarting in 'Safe Mode' and see if that fixes it?


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On 8/3/2024 at 1:22 PM, J. Miller said:

Has anyone tested 14.6 yet?

I do get lags on 14.5 at times(mouse and beachball)

It seems worse after a restart or a long time between VW sessions, but

It seems to improve with use.

Does that make any sense?




- I'm running OS 14.6.1 - finally updated due to antivirus/security risks.


- Apple M1 Max, 64GB Memory, 2TB HD


- Started noticing nasty lags in zoom, pan (any kind of action really) when using VW on a second monitor as soon as I updated. Works fine on my MBP built-in display - but who can use that to work on for 10-12 hours a day, right?


- Also running Blender, Quixel Bridge, iTunes, and Acrobat in the background - systematically toggled all those on/off/all off to see if that helped - no dice.


- Updated to VW 2024 Build 6 hoping that would address the issues - no such luck.


- Displays as separate spaces was already checked by default.


- In a panic I adjusted every setting related to screensaver and sleep - no screensaver/never sleep/high power (w/wo battery) - and something in that combo appears to help.


- Now I just have a moment or two of lag if I switch between programs. Still frustrating - but not as terrifying as the prospect of losing a whole day to playing the install/uninstall game with programs and OS reversions. As of now I just lost a morning's worth of billable hours.


Seems to be an issue more often now that VW has become more of a SAAS/subscription model. Swiftly becoming one of the least stable programs on my computer - and I primarily use it as a 2D solution. The wildest thing is how often it crashes when I just copy and paste simple linework/geo now.


C'est la vie, I suppose.

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We have seven VW47 licenses and all users are reporting poor performance since we were forced by IT to update to Mac OS 14.6.1 two days ago. Our system configs are here:


System: Macbook Pro M2 Pro 32gb Ram 14" Display

OS: 14.6.1

External Monitor: Dell P2723QE 27" 4k

Vectorworks Spotlight: 2024 SP6 Build 765860 

The biggest issue be far through is the Complete System Crash that are experiencing (two users so far) when we move the VW main application window to an external 4K monitor.  
Below is a link to my original post:


Mac External monitor crash


Crash Video attached.  This is repeatable every time.  

This seems to be a new think since OS 14.6.1


My one colleague has somehow managed to avoid 14.6.1 but has horrendous lag issues when working on an external screen. We found that ensure all VW palettes were on the same display fixed the issue.  In his case he was drawing on the external 4K but had navigation on the internal display.  When navigation was reunited with the main window things got better. 

Considering the money we are paying this is pretty poor. I know that this stuff is complicated with lots of variables but maybe it time that one of these variables is a partial license fee refund or discounted renewal.  


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Does anyone know if anyone is working on getting this fixed, either Apple or VW? I'm not sure which company is the problem.


I'm using VW on a Windows 10, i9 Intel no-name lap top. It runs two monitors just fine while closed or open. I also have a 2019 MacBook Pro that has the exact same specs as the PC (i9, 32GB RAM, 8GB GPU) and it runs a single monitor just fine...but I have not tried to make it run two. The Mac is on OS14.5. Does anyone know if this configuration is also having problems with two monitors, lag, etc. or has everyone moved on to the Apple Silicon machines? I assume the latter. I usually use the PC since it is provided by the company, but sometimes I need to use the Mac as well, so was wondering if it was a mistake to upgrade to 14.5. The VW on the Mac is my license, btw.




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  • 1 month later...

I have a group of 12 designers currently running Ventura 13.6.9 with Vectorworks 29.0.7. Has anyone worked with Sequoia or VectorWorks 2024 on Sonoma 14.7? Our systems are stable and working well with external monitors. I will be testing a new system with the latest OS and will report back. Any insights or experiences to share?


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I can install sequoia on my M1max 16" 64 GB of Ram and do tests on 2024 and 2025


I have


- a USB monitor c


- A display port monitor on usb hub c


- An iPad Pro first series via USB


That I usually use as a second third and fourth monitor


Let me know if you want to do some useful tests





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  • 2 weeks later...

Things have actually gotten worse for me over the last week or so. Originally I could work with my two external monitors - a 16" Cintiq and an Asus screen (both via HDMI or USB-C) - if I just kept VW on my laptop screen. As of yesterday it's started causing freezes/panics/crashes within about ten minutes of working if I move my cursor between screens/toggle between programs. Updating to VW 2025 to see if that mitigates the issue. Hesitant to update the OS at this point in case further issues arise.


Current and only option is to work without additional monitors. Kind of a drag.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • Vectorworks, Inc Employee

I can personally confirm I have not seen any of the external monitor issues in macOS 15.1.


I have found a good test is to run one of Apple's hi-res nature screensavers. If you see dropped frames on your external monitor in screensaver mode, then the issue likely still exists. But as of macOS 15.1 this has not occurred for me in screensaver mode or other.


I hope that helps –  keep us posted with your experiences.

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