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Not attaching top hook

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I am new to Braceworks and have searched for a good solution, but I cannot find it.

Is it possible to calculate the weight of a truss with two motors without attaching the top hook?


Right now, it says, "The suspension point is not attached."


I appreciate any help you can provide.



Screenshot 2023-07-31 at 19.04.02.png

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  • Vectorworks, Inc Employee

The error message is telling you that the hoist is not correctly connected with the truss that should be hung from it.
To check this select the truss, then right click on the truss and activate the 'select system objects' command from the context menu
Everything attached to the truss line will be highlighted.
This will show whether the hoist is correctly connected to the truss

To reattach the hoist drag it off the truss and then back on at the desired location, making sure that the red autoconnect highlight displays

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