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Glow onto imported image.

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This is a bit out off my comfort zone so I'm going to need a bit of hand holding on whats probably a really simple problem. I have a photo of some tree's that a client has asked for some LED tape to be put around as an outline and they want a (very) rough mock up of this. I'm not very familiar with any of these parts of VW so... I import the image into a new file, Draw roughly where I think the tape will be with a 12mm double line ploygon and extrude this by a few mm to mimic the tape. I then create a texture with reflectivity set to "Glow" and expect this to add some additional brightness to the image I've imported... Of course it doesn't because I'm going about it completely the wrong way... so how do I do this?


Many thanks in advance


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I got glow to work using shaded render mode - the effect was only obvious when I placed the object in the shadow. So that may be your problem. You could try View | Set Lighting options | and turn off Ambient Info (or turn the brightness down).

Another option will be to try selecting the line, then Modify | Convert | Convert to line light, or convert to area light and play around with that. I couldn't get this to work with shaded rendering so I had to use fast renderworks. It wasn't very convincing.


Maybe photoshop it....


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One thing that has caught me out is that you need Indirect Lighting enabled in order for Glow to work.


You also often need to turn it up beyond 100%. I use it at 500% sometimes but then you need to be careful it doesn't cause blotchiness in the renderings...


The other thing is that VW doesn't recognise Glow as a Light as such so unless you have a Light object in the drawing as well, the default light will be turned on, so you need to include a 'dummy' Light in the file in order to turn the default light off (you can turn the brightness to 0% or turn it off).

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