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Curb Lines along Parking - best tools/methods

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I was curious if there is a preferred method by all for illustrating vehicular/pedestrian curbs in 3D that is user friendly?  Currently our office uses grade tools to custom grade everything, pretty much replacing hand/calculator grading with grade tools and then drape (2023) hardscape which works great.  We could manually use grade tools to define top and bottom of curb and the surface would slope steeply within the profile of the curb, but I was curious if others are using a method that simplifies this effort. Obviously curbs vary in style on a project from raised 6 inches, transition to flush, rolled curbs, chamfered curbs, etc.  We are not a parking lot focused office, so we haven't dived into parking or road tools yet, but the more 3D visuals include a portion of curb lines into the imagery, the more we need to figure this out. 

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Looks like nobody has piped up yet regarding your inquiry.

There are probably several ways to facilitate your curb dilemmas.

One good way would be to simply make an extrude along path on a 3d polygon on the site model layer that uses the correct elevational data.

You would have a few options to procure this, depending.

This will get confusing to get into the weeds with this using text, but the reason I am suggesting creating an extrude along path is that it will allow you to tweak the profile of the curb and get it exactly as you want it to look. Using this methodology you dont need to mess with any of the more exotic site model based tools.

I did a VERY simple example of a curb using two different close-up profiles noted in the screenshots below.


Hopefully this makes some sense.






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  • 1 year later...

I use the Wall tool for kerbs and edges. By manipulating the top vertices you can taper the wall to represent drop kerbs. I have mine saved as styles representing edges (thinner) and kerbs of different heights (1, 2 and 3 type; UK). An improvement would be to be able to add custom profiles to reflect specialist kerbs and different applications (like half-battered, splayed etc)

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