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It depends on how you have things setup.

If you are using Sheet Layers and viewports, a simple class override will take care of each viewport you want to have such graphics.


Depending on how your wall styles are built and classed, just turning off the fill class could get rid of the hatch, or you could change it to white.

Same logic applies to the linework.


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You can do it with class overrides + you can do it with data vis. Both will achieve the same results. And you can do it to one VP or all of them, its up to you. Data Vis has the advantage of being more easily applied to subsequent VPs plus can also be applied to the design layer.

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Try to work with class atrributes in the organisation palette as your first line of defence.  Work as you intend to print.  Most BIM models are built with GAs in mind, therefore class in design layer = class in viewport.  Keeps it nice an simple.


If you need to vary it in the viewport use viewport class overrides as a last resort.


We never use VP class overrides unless we absolutely have to.


Data Visualisation is tantilising but cannot be automated across many files, whereas class attribute update can be.


The problem with VW has always been that there are too many ways to control output (at least 10 ways...?), and DV just adds to the melange, although in a good way.

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@jeff prince Thank you for looking into that. I am not really using the visualization but it seems like to best option, is that your opinion? This is the backup file, I will keep working on the current version and update like you do so no rush, I really appreciate it.

Thanks so much



Edited by Christian Fekete
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1 hour ago, Christian Fekete said:

Thank you for looking into that. I am not really using the visualization but it seems like to best option, is that your opinion?


No problem.  Yes, that is my opinion.  They give you a lot of power, if you are organized.

You see that @shorter has a different opinion, but doesn't seem to offer a workable solution 🙂

Class overrides are very tough to manage, hopefully Vectorworks will release a viewport style workflow sometime soon.

Until then, data visualization gives you that ability and it can be scripted/automated.


You can use data visualizations to quickly adjust graphics for visually inspecting the model while in a design layer.  Check out the attached file based on what you posted to get some ideas of this and other applications.  I saved it as 2022, assuming that is what you use.


Here's one of my old videos on Class Overrides.  If you think about it, they can really get you into trouble quickly compared to applying a data visualization...





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If it happens, an 'Enable Data Visualisation' button on the View bar to quickly turn data visualisations on + off on the design layer will be a great improvement. As will the ability to apply multiple data visualisations, both on the design layer + in VPs, directly from the Data Visualisations drop-down (+ see what their stacking order is) without having to open the 'Select Multiple Data Visualisations' dialog.

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7 hours ago, E|FA said:

@Tom W.  @shorter If it's not too much to ask, can you post a sample file with a foundation wall, footing, and Viewport with your overrides/DataVis/etc for this situation?


Sure see: Foundation Attributes.vwx




The Data Vis version is no different to how @jeff prince did it i.e. applying the visualisation to all objects on the class (since the foundations are in a dedicated class).

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4 hours ago, Tom W. said:


Sure see: Foundation Attributes.vwx




The Data Vis version is no different to how @jeff prince did it i.e. applying the visualisation to all objects on the class (since the foundations are in a dedicated class).


Exactly.  Simple use of class attributes.


It also depends on where you model, and how you structure your files.  Do you have separate wall and foundation or ground beams layers, for example?


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On 5/12/2023 at 4:47 PM, jeff prince said:


No problem.  Yes, that is my opinion.  They give you a lot of power, if you are organized.

You see that @shorter has a different opinion, but doesn't seem to offer a workable solution 🙂

Class overrides are very tough to manage, hopefully Vectorworks will release a viewport style workflow sometime soon.

Until then, data visualization gives you that ability and it can be scripted/automated.


You can use data visualizations to quickly adjust graphics for visually inspecting the model while in a design layer.  Check out the attached file based on what you posted to get some ideas of this and other applications.  I saved it as 2022, assuming that is what you use.


Here's one of my old videos on Class Overrides.  If you think about it, they can really get you into trouble quickly compared to applying a data visualization...




1544093069_datavis-wallexamplev2022.vwx 14.45 MB · 2 downloads


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15 hours ago, shorter said:


Exactly.  Simple use of class attributes.


It also depends on where you model, and how you structure your files.  Do you have separate wall and foundation or ground beams layers, for example?


@shorter @jeff prince

I use walls for the foundation wall and another type of wall for the footing. Components in my walls are on separate classes I.e. insulation, masonry etc.  The wall itself is inserted on the wall-main class. For foundation they are in the basement layer.  One other issue on top of not being able to change the class visualization for components in a viewport is that I cannot see only the class of the wall component without the wall-main class ON . Is this normal or am I doing something wrong? This may be related to the first issue

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