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Objects in a referenced viewport snapping to my trusses

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I found a whole new way to hate Braceworks.

I have my lighting file.

In that file I draw trusses, and lights.

In order to see the event layout I do layer with a viewport reference to the Master file that has the event layouts, set, venue, etc ... on it.

One of the points of this is so I don't mess up the master file with lights, and classes, and I can have my own drawing blah blah blah.

The referenced information is a viewport.

You can't modify a viewport. You can only turn classes, and layers on, off, and grey.


But in this new version of VW the video wall in the viewport has snapped to my truss, and is no longer on the stage floor.

I called the TD and asked why he'd moved the video wall, and what they were going to put under it.

And in his drawing it's on the stage floor.

In mine it's floating.

Because in the viewport it moved, and snapped to the bottom of my truss.

WTF >>>???

That's not supposed to be possible.

Or is this a new "feature" that no one asked for.

Anyone else seen this?

And of course I can't show you the pictures I screen shotted because the forum still won't let me upload jpgs.

Thanks Nemetchek.


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On 4/11/2023 at 3:16 AM, TomWhiteLight said:

Is your viewport referenced as a DVLP? or by Layer?

If its by layer then I would expect the load to attach to the truss, if its by DVLP then I agree this shouldn't happen.

Let us know.

Do you mean Design Layer Viewport?

I think that's what it is.

Create Viewport / Select Source / External / Select File / Choose Layers and Classes visible / OK




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I have similar issues.

LX plan references set plan. Music stand symbols on set plan at +00mm have jumped to LX positions +6000mm on LX plan. This jump does not happen in the original set plan. Have not found a way to fix this. As mentioned above this should not happen.


Makes sections look pretty stupid.


Anyway a solution would be very welcome. This has been passed onto VW support and a bug filed.






Edited by DCLD
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Same problem here. I have multiple rigs referenced (DLVP) into master file so I can manage the festival roof. If I try to run Braceworks on set A, I get erros from set B. If I hide the viewports and calculate ”visible” or ”selection”, no difference. As soon as I delete referenced completely, all is fine.

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On 5/21/2023 at 1:06 AM, ratherfishing said:

Same problem here. I have multiple rigs referenced (DLVP) into master file so I can manage the festival roof. If I try to run Braceworks on set A, I get erros from set B. If I hide the viewports and calculate ”visible” or ”selection”, no difference. As soon as I delete referenced completely, all is fine.

In Braceworks Preferences in Calculation Settings there is option to Include References. Have you unselected that?



Unchecking that should solve your issue of calculating referenced DLVP's.

I have noticed also that Braceworks calculates DLVP's even when those classes/layers are hidden.

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I had a long exchange with tech support about this.

First a phone call where I explained the problem, and shared the files with the tech support and finally got a point where they said " oh, that's not supposed to happen"

A thread I had going about this topic with a different person got a vague response about this kind of supposed to happen, but then gave me something about cropping might break this.

It ruined my renderings for this particular project.

I did submit as a bug.

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