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VW2023 Site Slope Analysis


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Is there a report to find the area of sloped surfaces in VW2023 equivalent to the old Site Slope Analysis? I need to find the total area with slopes 0-15°, 15-25°, 25° and up. I have the model's graphic properties: site analysis set up. But I can't figure out how to get the area of the slope zone. 1295174836_SlopeAnalysis.thumb.jpg.690866379e4aba6198a8bf98ca9619db.jpg1254298944_SiteSlope.thumb.jpg.a0b14f98e7e59791cece73866ffdc019.jpg

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I'm on 2018 but it seems there's been no development of this tool all the way to 2023.


I copy model and explode it - which defeats why we have computers and CAD. Even then the tiles are not single colours, with one slope setting being hundreds of slightly diffrent hues, so the explode can't be queried with colour.


I imagine a Marionette could query it but I don't see myself understanding Marionette in a hurry. I suspect some bright spark has cracked it though and just not talking about it, after all this forum has 45k members but VW's userbase is somewhere North of 650k

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