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Adjustable stand


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Hello I'm new to marionette and on VWX since 2years .

I would make my stand adjustable in height.

the stand is 1 base 2 tubes 


I don't know if I can "put" the marionette inside the symbol oor if the marionette as to import all element ?


I want to put the height and the the second tube is moving from 1cm to 140cm 

Thanks in advance to give me the base, and the good direction


I'm learning, I come back with my work on it later  🙂

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Hello Step2


I arrive to build a simple marionette object, with the top legs adjustable in Z ... and with attached records 

But I have question 

How can I give a range to the height value from 0 to 1m ?


My object work in my file but when I importe it in a blank, as soon as I change the height, all are convert to a simple 2d obj ...


At the end I wan't put the total height between 1.4m to 2.4m in a field . the idea is to use the stand height of the stand records field ..


is it possible ? 

Thanks !

stand marionette in blank file.vwx 1179006955_Standmarionette.vwx

Edited by Ben59
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Hello Ben,


The same thing happens when I open "stand marionette in blank file.vwx". I found a workaround: before changing the height, dubble click the Marionette Object, it will show this message:


Don't change anything, click Exit Marionette Script, and now it works. Don't ask me why 😄


I changed your network and added a slider that ranges from 0 to 1000. You can change the min and max values by editing the Python script inside the slider node.

stand marionette in blank file.vwx

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Hello thanks @Niels Timmer 🙂

So I add a text to show the stand height in 2dtop plan 


But I have difficulty to put the text at the right place , I want the insertion text point is bottom center ... I only find a way with 2d point , so i can put the text "where" I want but the insertion point is still top left ...


Second with math object and suffix, I can display text in meter, but the slider field doesn't display the stand height, it only display the range of the moving second tube (o to 1000mm)


Third (bonus) is a way to link that value to the stand height record field ? I'm able to link something to that field, but I dont no where I can find the slider or text value from the marionnette to link to that field ...

Hope I'm clear enough 🙂

stand marionette in blank file02.vwx

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Hi @Ben59,


Here are my answers to your questions:

  • I think you already found the EasyText node. I quickly added prefix and suffix functionality, so now you are able to change the insertion point and still have a suffix.
  • If you want the slider to display the stand height instead of the moving distance of the second tube, you'll have to put some math between the slider and the "Point 3D"-node. I didn't add that to your network now.
  • For the bonus question I used the "Set Record Field"-node. I used the "Marionette Object"-node to attach the record to the Marionette object your network creates.

I hope this helps. Good luck!

stand marionette in blank file02.vwx

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5 minutes ago, Niels Timmer said:

I think you already found the EasyText node. I quickly added prefix and suffix functionality, so now you are able to change the insertion point and still have a suffix.

Thanks i just got there


6 minutes ago, Niels Timmer said:

If you want the slider to display the stand height instead of the moving distance of the second tube, you'll have to put some math between the slider and the "Point 3D"-node. I didn't add that to your network now.

ok 'ill try , idem for the bonus 🙂

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23 minutes ago, Niels Timmer said:

If you want the slider to display the stand height instead of the moving distance of the second tube, you'll have to put some math between the slider and the "Point 3D"-node. I didn't add that to your network now.

I edited the top leg 3d component (move the default position to -1200mm 🙂 )

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So i've another problem , how can I choose witch 2d component is in top off the other ?

I duplicated my stand and add some accessorys...

But the 2d representation isnt good, the base is on the top of all ...

And I cant edit the 2d because its generated by the plugin ...

If I change the symbol insertion in the marionnette the 2d is ok , but obviously the accessory is at the wrong place in the 3d..image.thumb.png.53fd50debe9530c41f64f991bbb8c2f3.png


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On 3/21/2023 at 2:41 PM, Niels Timmer said:


The same thing happens when I open "stand marionette in blank file.vwx". I found a workaround: before changing the height, dubble click the Marionette Object, it will show this message:


Don't change anything, click Exit Marionette Script, and now it works. Don't ask me why 😄

no idea about that ?

 now that my file is ok , saved and classed .. as soon as I want to use the marionette object ( style) in other file... i have to put the object and edit it , if not , it desaper as soon as I edit its height ( with the slider)

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It seems to be a unit problem with the value from the slider to the move node ...

Anyone know a node who convert unit value in universal value in order to be able to import object drawn in one unit to a file in an other one ?

Edited by Ben59
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