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Alert Information with string input


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Hi folks,


searched for this, but couldn't find anything related. But wonder why nobody else needs this.



An Alert Information with a string input. The input comes from another node and differs...

Need this to inform the user about what is done. F.e. "5 objects modified". 5 will differ and is one part of the string.


Thank you!



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i changed the existing "Alert Inform Dialog", maybe it fits your needs now.

To create the node simply replace the whole code of any Marionette node with the code below.


class Params(metaclass = Marionette.OrderedClass):
	this = Marionette.Node( 'Alert Inform Dialog' )
	this.SetDescription( 'Displays an alert dialog which provides the '
						+ 'user an information about the result of a '
						+ 'command. It offers no user choices.' )

	#Input Ports
	input = Marionette.PortIn( None , 'item')
	input.SetDescription( "input" )
	alertTxt = Marionette.PortIn( "" , 'str_alert')
	alertTxt.SetDescription( "input" )
	advTxt = Marionette.PortIn( "" , 'str_advice')
	advTxt.SetDescription( "input" )

	#OIP Controls
	minorAlrt = Marionette.OIPControl( 'Minor Alert', Marionette.WidgetType.Bool, False)
	minorAlrt.SetDescription( 'The severity of the alert: minor(true) or major(false)' )

	#Output Ports
	output = Marionette.PortOut('item')   
	output.SetDescription( "output" )

	# this.SetListAbsorb()

def RunNode(self):
	input = self.Params.input.value
	alertTxt = self.Params.alertTxt.value
	advTxt = self.Params.advTxt.value
	minorAlrt = self.Params.minorAlrt.value

	if input is not None:
		vs.AlertInform(alertTxt, advTxt, minorAlrt);

	self.Params.output.value = input


To create the string you can just add strings together with the "Str" Node if you put in a list of things (in your case an integer and a string).




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On 3/1/2023 at 6:40 PM, Letti R said:



i changed the existing "Alert Inform Dialog", maybe it fits your needs now.

To create the node simply replace the whole code of any Marionette node with the code below.


class Params(metaclass = Marionette.OrderedClass):
	this = Marionette.Node( 'Alert Inform Dialog' )
	this.SetDescription( 'Displays an alert dialog which provides the '
						+ 'user an information about the result of a '
						+ 'command. It offers no user choices.' )

	#Input Ports
	input = Marionette.PortIn( None , 'item')
	input.SetDescription( "input" )
	alertTxt = Marionette.PortIn( "" , 'str_alert')
	alertTxt.SetDescription( "input" )
	advTxt = Marionette.PortIn( "" , 'str_advice')
	advTxt.SetDescription( "input" )

	#OIP Controls
	minorAlrt = Marionette.OIPControl( 'Minor Alert', Marionette.WidgetType.Bool, False)
	minorAlrt.SetDescription( 'The severity of the alert: minor(true) or major(false)' )

	#Output Ports
	output = Marionette.PortOut('item')   
	output.SetDescription( "output" )

	# this.SetListAbsorb()

def RunNode(self):
	input = self.Params.input.value
	alertTxt = self.Params.alertTxt.value
	advTxt = self.Params.advTxt.value
	minorAlrt = self.Params.minorAlrt.value

	if input is not None:
		vs.AlertInform(alertTxt, advTxt, minorAlrt);

	self.Params.output.value = input


To create the string you can just add strings together with the "Str" Node if you put in a list of things (in your case an integer and a string).




Thank you Letti! 

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