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Editing Textstyles


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I was wondering if there is a definition in vectorworks that allows you to edit a textstyle.

I want to make a script that can chance the color of a specific textstyle.

in a previous version (vw2021) i just had a textstyle attached to a class and when i changed the classcolors (with a script) my textobjects would chanche aswell but this isn't the case anymore sadly..

i could change it all manualy but we all know that a script is much better right 😄 

i hope this can be done cause i realy liked the visual control it gave me and the company.


Thanks in advanced!

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@Pat Stanford thanks for the reply but i can't realy find it there.

Just to be clear i want to change the textstyle itself and not the style of a textobject.

with gettextstyleref or settextstyleref i can change the textstyle of an textobject but i want to keep the style and just change the color of that style.

is this possible?

Otherwhise i need to write a bigger script that selects all textobject with that specific style and change it to the new one with another color.


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Here is the Vectorscript version.


The codes needed for the SetObjectVariable calls are in the Vectorscirpt Appendix.


There may be other ways, but what I tried and worked to get the changes to the text style to show was to reattach the text style to every object that has that style already. But then I found that some of the text blocks ended up being to short when I went to a larger font size, so I had to reset all the text blocks also.


1361 is the code for the font size. It takes a real that (I think) is in document units. If you want to be able to specify by Points or mils you will need to do the conversion.




Procedure ChangeTextStyle;

VAR		H1,H2		:Handle;
		L1			:LongInt;
		S1			:String;
Procedure Execute (Hd1:Handle);

	SetTextStyleRef(Hd1, L1);

	H1:=FSActLayer;								{Get First Selected Object}
	If GetTypeN(H1)=10 THEN						{Check if that object is a text block}
		L1:=GetTextStyleRef(H1);				{L1 has the internal reference number of the TextStyle}
		S1:=Index2Name(L1);						{Get the Name of the Text Style}
		H2:=GetObject(S1);						{Get a handle to the TextSyle}
{		AlrtDialog(Concat(L1,'  Text Style:',Index2Name(L1))); } {This was for debugging}
		IF H2 <> Nil THEN						{If H2 = Nil then the text object is Unstyled}
		  BEGIN									{otherwsie H2 is a handle to the TextStyle}
			SetObjectVariableInt(H2,1364,4);	{Set TextStyle to Underline}
			SetObjectVariableReal(H2, 1361,0.5");	{Set TextStyle to 1/4"}
			ForEachObject(Execute,((TSTY='TextStyle-1')));	{attach style again to every object using the text style to show changes}
			ForEachObject(ResetObject, ((TSTY='TextStyle-1')));   {Reset text blocks to account for modified text size}



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  • 8 months later...
On 1/12/2023 at 10:47 PM, Pat Stanford said:

Here is the Vectorscript version.


The codes needed for the SetObjectVariable calls are in the Vectorscirpt Appendix.


There may be other ways, but what I tried and worked to get the changes to the text style to show was to reattach the text style to every object that has that style already. But then I found that some of the text blocks ended up being to short when I went to a larger font size, so I had to reset all the text blocks also.


1361 is the code for the font size. It takes a real that (I think) is in document units. If you want to be able to specify by Points or mils you will need to do the conversion.




Procedure ChangeTextStyle;

VAR		H1,H2		:Handle;
		L1			:LongInt;
		S1			:String;
Procedure Execute (Hd1:Handle);

	SetTextStyleRef(Hd1, L1);

	H1:=FSActLayer;								{Get First Selected Object}
	If GetTypeN(H1)=10 THEN						{Check if that object is a text block}
		L1:=GetTextStyleRef(H1);				{L1 has the internal reference number of the TextStyle}
		S1:=Index2Name(L1);						{Get the Name of the Text Style}
		H2:=GetObject(S1);						{Get a handle to the TextSyle}
{		AlrtDialog(Concat(L1,'  Text Style:',Index2Name(L1))); } {This was for debugging}
		IF H2 <> Nil THEN						{If H2 = Nil then the text object is Unstyled}
		  BEGIN									{otherwsie H2 is a handle to the TextStyle}
			SetObjectVariableInt(H2,1364,4);	{Set TextStyle to Underline}
			SetObjectVariableReal(H2, 1361,0.5");	{Set TextStyle to 1/4"}
			ForEachObject(Execute,((TSTY='TextStyle-1')));	{attach style again to every object using the text style to show changes}
			ForEachObject(ResetObject, ((TSTY='TextStyle-1')));   {Reset text blocks to account for modified text size}



@Pat Stanford 
It took me a while to get into the details of this but it works fine and i got my right textstyle and i can change the underline just like in your example but i want to change the color of the style.
Do you know the index for thesetobjectvariable() function? I can't find it anywhere..
I you have a list of all thes indexes that would be verry helpfull in the future 😄 

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15 minutes ago, koenr said:

@Pat Stanford 
It took me a while to get into the details of this but it works fine and i got my right textstyle and i can change the underline just like in your example but i want to change the color of the style.
Do you know the index for thesetobjectvariable() function? I can't find it anywhere..
I you have a list of all thes indexes that would be verry helpfull in the future 😄 

Never mind! 
I tried a lot of indexes and i found it!!
The color of a textstyle is index 1367 used inside the SetObjectVariableInt().
Thanks for all your help anyways!! 😄 

Edited by koenr
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3 hours ago, Pat Stanford said:

Glad you found it.  But it appears to be pretty clear in the Text Styles section of the Vectorscript Appendix.



As an aside, Pat, I believe there is an offline version of the VS function ref and appendices, but I've never known how to find it. I use the online version, but the above looks nicer, which is presumably the offline. How could we find it please? 

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