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Solibri Inside fpor Vectorworks


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came across this announcement. https://www.solibri.com/inside?utm_campaign=Solibri Inside&utm_source=Press-Release-Solibri

It sounds very interesting and might create a type of "closed" BIM inside the Nemetschek Group. The only downside is the SaaS. Another subscription to maintain.

Nice to see though that Vectorworks is immediatly mentioned and not an afterthought.


What are your thoughts?



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Interesting, could be very helpful.

But I wish that some of the benefits they listed were implemented directly in Vw itself, without needing to rely on Solibri. Specifically these two:

  • Door clearance: Use Door clearance rules to check that doors in your model have sufficient clearance space to operate correctly and are accessible
  • Window clearance: Use Window clearance rules to check that windows in your model have sufficient space around them and there are no obstacles in front or behind.
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