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atan node bug?

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I'm building a network and am trying to use a "atan"-node. It seems however that whatever I try I can't get a proper output from the node. I tried feeding it with both int, real and dim numbers, but always get the same error, as shown below. I brought in a math friend and he believes there might be an error in the code, specifically a part called bComplex, but we don't know how to edit the node so we couldn't try our hypothesis. Anyone know if there is a bug in the atan node or if I'm missing something? @Marissa Farrell perhaps?



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54 minutes ago, Marissa Farrell said:

Yes, there's a missing line of code. 


In the #inputs section, add 


bComplex = self.Params.bComplex.value


You'll also need to delete the first line in the script that begins with #COMMAND


This has already been fixed for next service pack. 

Thanks for confirming! I’ll wait for the next update then.

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