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I am running 9.0 (windows), and there are times when I am inserting instruments that something unknown happens and I am then unable to use any of the menu items because they are greyed out. This continues even after I change my tool to the selector etc. The only method I have found to fix it is to quit the app and start it back up.

is there something that I am pushing to get it stuck. I also noticed that when this happens the insert light function does not work properly. The symbol changes to a line of black squares.

Any Ideas?

Thank You

and sory about the first posting

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This happens when VectorWorks is in the middle of executing a script. Try pressing escape a few times, or command period. Somtimes that will let you out of it if you catch it soon enough. This is very prone to happening if you insert an instrument, and before setting the rotation with that second click, you select another tool. I have also bug listed this item as it has been reported on the VW Users' list too.



Kacey Fisher

Quality Assurance Specialist

Integrated Products Group

Nemetschek North America

[This message has been edited by kacey1 (edited 08-13-2001).]

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