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Better management of wishes granted and ability to tag other people's threads



The Wishes Granted sub-forum hasn't had any posts added to it for about 5 years now.


It needs somebody actively managing this and moving posts every time there's an update to Vectorworks. 


But rather than pay somebody to do this it would be far better in my opinion to let us users do it. The way I would organise this is to get rid of the "Wishes Granted" sub-forum and handle it with Tags ("wishes granted"). Then let users (or a subset of users based on a certain level of Reputation) add Tags to other people's threads**. Many hands make light work.


Even if we get it wrong sometimes it's no big deal; it's easily fixed and sure beats the current situation, which is that the "Wishes Granted" sub-forum is out of date by 5 years.


** in fact the ability to add Tags to other peoples posts in general—not just Wishes, any threads—would be a positive thing in my opinion. We could help organise a lot of older posts this way and make it much easier to retrieve information.

Edited by Christiaan
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Strongly agree! A "wishes granted" tag is a great way to spread a bit of joy through the forum amongst the complaints and gripes. 


Hopefully now with more frequent updates as we move to the subscription model (for better or worse) these tags would be spread throughout the year rather than a big dump in September.

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