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Interactive sizing of door / window objects after creation (2023)

Hans Martin Kern

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If I insert a Door or Window object into a drawing using VW 2023, VW immediately displays blue reshape handles on the Door / Window object and I can start resizing it right away - without an additional trip to the reshape tool.


Any hints on how to achieve the same behavior for a SDK-based third party plug-in? I found the extended property "kObjXPropInteractiveSizingInsert" but it looks like it's restricted to door/window use? Any hints appreciated.

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  • 8 months later...

Such functionality would be very, very beneficial. Did you ever find the answer you needed for this Hans Martin?


I imagine you have at least one extra door to Vectorworks engineers now that Stephan is there, but if not I could submit this question to engineering for you. Or maybe try @mentioning Robert Anderson or Pat Stanford…

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I would believe those are just custom control points and not part of the default reshape tool. See "IProviderCursorHandles" for managing tool like behaviour on using those points. Or at least it would be possible using this route. Not sure what "kObjXPropInteractiveSizingInsert" can do.


Edited by Hippocode
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