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Marionette - Unit Paving Pattern Based on Image File


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Hi VWX Forum,


I am attempting to create a Marionette script which can create a multi-coloured unit paving design that is based on an existing image input.


In an ideal world, the final script would construct a defined paving pattern (herringbone, running bond, etc) that is made up of 3 or more paver colours which parametrically locate themselves in the overall pattern based on the colour values of the image input defined.


I understand this can be done with Marionette based on the work shown in this video... https://www.vectorworks.net/en-CA/customer-showcase/artistic-design-with-marionette-in-vectorworks ...however after scouring the forums, I cannot seem to find any guides which would recreate the scripts shown therein. While I use Vectorworks daily, however I am new to Marionette; is anyone here able to provide some guidance, tips or suggestions on how I can go about recreating this script?


Many thanks for your help in advance!



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  • Marionette Maven

My approach to this would be to generate your paving pattern, overlay a grid of points which would correspond to the individual pavers, and use the image processing technique shown in this example to color the pavers:



Of course, the complete process may be more complicated than that, but I think it's a good starting point.

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Hi @Marissa Farrell, thank you for the quick response!


I did try to download this file already, as I also figured it would be a good starting point - however after attempting to run the script without any changes, I receive the following error codes:




For what it's worth I am running a 2021 M1 Pro Macbook Pro and using Vectorworks 2021 with the latest service packs up-to-date. 


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