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CHANGE THE VIEWPORT VIEW (Cambiar la vista de un viewport)


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I want to modify the viewport view, I only find the option to "set view" in the object info palette. The problem is that with that option you cannot "navigate" to change the view,  only change to orthogonal views or 3d rotation parameters. Is there a way to do it custom like in the design layer?


(Quiero modificar la vista de la ventana gráfica, solo encuentro la opción para "establecer vista" en la paleta de información del objeto. El problema es que con esa opción no puedes "navegar" para cambiar la vista, solo cambiar a vistas ortogonales o parámetros de rotación 3D. ¿Hay alguna manera de hacerlo personalizado como en la capa de diseño?)

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This topic is not related to Vision, which is a separate pre-visualization software owned by Vectorworks.


To answer your question, what you need to start with is a RenderWorks Camera.  In the standard workspace, you'll find it in the Visualization toolset, which has a lightbulb as an icon.



Place your camera and get the view how you want it.  Once that's done, select the camera, and go to View - Create Viewport.  This will ask if you want to convert the camera or create a copy of the camera, choose whichever makes sense to you.  After that, your Viewport will be created with the camera's view.  Double-click the Viewport and select Camera as your edit target.  Then you'll be able to make adjustments to the camera view.




If you opt to make a copy of the original camera, the camera will remain independent of the Viewport (much to our chagrin).  The only way to adjust the view is through the Camera option of the Edit Viewport dialog box.

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