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Ok. how I started my day:


  • open a current VWX file of a show I am working on, on the 16" M1 MBP Max 32gB machine.
  • click a PIO object denoted Lighting Pipe
  • Choose Object Conversion…Hanging position
  • Instant crash to the desktop
  • restart the machine
  • execute the steps above
  • Instant crash to desktop again
  • rinse
  • repeat


Work done: zero

(edit: copied offending Lighting Pipe PIO into new Spotlight document, ran the commands above et voila—it became a hanging position)

(edit2: took so much joy in that, that I tried the next pipe in the Light Plot document and it too became a hanging position, YAY.

 then, silly me, I grabbed all the other Lighting pipes overstage and ran the command. It went through each pipe, turning them into geometry-only hanging positions, properly confirming names of each. At the click of the last button, sure enough, crash monster.

Work done: two lighting pipes changed to hanging positions)

Edited by mjm
added subsequent joys and heartbreaks
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17 minutes ago, mjm said:

I'll have to check with client. 

Currently installing SP v5, with fingers x'ed…

ok have just installed SP 5, re-started the MBP, opened the file:

An anomaly right away:

The file opens to the same place it has been after every crash.

this time it opens with the fixtures on the affected lighting position hidden, their label legends still visible tho.

Screenshots: first is V4, second is V5

(edit: it is happening in V5 as well.)



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30 minutes ago, klinzey said:

Can you post the fie or submit the file to tech support so that we can investigate.

Client says no.

After updating to V5, same issue.

restarted, etc, opened blank file, from original file copied pasted lighting pipes in-place, converted to hanging position en masse no prob, copied those, pasted in-place in original file, sent backwards, selected the lighting pipes, deleted those, and then renamed each of the hanging positions individually, because they all automagically incremented from the lowest available HP number. Fun😃.

But at least I am back in business.

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Also gonna throw a shoutout to the poor results from the Spotlight auto-numbering tool. I have attached two Screenshots, one shows the SL autonumbering of two multicell positions, the other show numbering through @JBenghiat's Savvy Sequencer. Couple things of note:

  • Let's note how much actual paid work is getting done here 
  • the SL fixtures are all fresh from the VW RM. No editing by me.
  • the Hanging Positions show in OIP as HPs.


Screen Shot 2022-08-24 at 2.06.35 PM.png

Screen Shot 2022-08-24 at 2.13.59 PM.png

VWX sp5 autonumbering issue.vwx

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And then this is happening…you'll notice the fixture numbers appear to have disappeared. Same LL as the LX-6 fixtures.

Checked the LL anyway & looks fine to me.

so I hit command+/ to refresh the SL fixtures. The video shows the results.

The Fixtures are numbered, however, for reasons indecipherable, they've become invisible.

(edit: so, trying my new trick, I copied and pasted the hanging position and fixtures to a scratch file <nothing but those HPs from earlier in the thread>.

BOOM! bye bye VWX SP5.

Restart time.



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So here's where I'm at at this juncture:

  • I think the file has become corrupt & so…
  • restart, etc, open blank VWX file
  • from suspect file, import 2 layers + their objects: the fixture layer and the hang position layer
  • Watch as it imports everything
  • click on drawing and BOOM! Crash monster

Screen Shot 2022-08-24 at 3.13.14 PM.png

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2 hours ago, mjm said:

I'll have to check with client. 

Currently installing SP v5, with fingers x'ed

@klinzey: I made a copy of the file, renamed it CrashMonster.vwx, dewleted all but the Hang Position layer, saved.

Open new blank file. import layer + objects from CrashMonster. BOOM!


For your enjoyment. Very curious as to what's happening…


So my guess is I need to replace all suspect HPs.


M2 CrashMonstershipped.vwx M2 CrashMonstershipped.xml

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4 hours ago, mjm said:

Also gonna throw a shoutout to the poor results from the Spotlight auto-numbering tool. I have attached two Screenshots, one shows the SL autonumbering of two multicell positions, the other show numbering through @JBenghiat's Savvy Sequencer. Couple things of note:

  • Let's note how much actual paid work is getting done here 
  • the SL fixtures are all fresh from the VW RM. No editing by me.
  • the Hanging Positions show in OIP as HPs.



@mjm FYI, Savvy Sequencer and Select Similar use the cell numbers for multi-circuit numbering. The cell order is determined by the stacking order in the MC symbol. You should see A1 align with the channel and color for cell one, for example.


If these directly from the content library, then there is a bug that the cells are not in the correct stacking order.

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29 minutes ago, JBenghiat said:


@mjm FYI, Savvy Sequencer and Select Similar use the cell numbers for multi-circuit numbering. The cell order is determined by the stacking order in the MC symbol. You should see A1 align with the channel and color for cell one, for example.


If these directly from the content library, then there is a bug that the cells are not in the correct stacking order.

@JBenghiatfunny you mention that… I have attached a vwx demonstrating a couple of the numbering issues

Screen Shot 2022-08-24 at 7.49.25 PM.png

Another couple problems.vwx

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3 hours ago, klinzey said:

@mjm I need some more details for the bug report. How did you import into the blank file? Copy/Paste, workgroup referencing?

Thanks for asking @klinzey. I went through the Organization window of the new blank document. Import relevant Layers and their objects.


For all prior tests to drill down to the Lighting Pipe issue it was Copy Paste In-Place to new document.


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11 minutes ago, mjm said:

Numbering issues there as well. Is it possible for me to somehow re-build the multicell fixtures myself so they number correctly?

Yes — just edit the symbol and use Send Forward/Send back until the cells are in the right order. Usually, I select cells in order (starting with 1) and Send to Back.

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24 minutes ago, JBenghiat said:

Yes — just edit the symbol and use Send Forward/Send back until the cells are in the right order. Usually, I select cells in order (starting with 1) and Send to Back.

@JBenghiatSuper. Thanks ever so. Assuming I can do that to the symbol in current use


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56 minutes ago, JBenghiat said:

Yes — and if you've numbers with Savvy, you should immediately see the numbers in the correct order.

I'm also going be memory here — I believe cells order is front to back, but there's always a chance I have that backwards.

@JBenghiatStellar. Thanks man.

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Just now, mjm said:

@JBenghiatStellar. Thanks man. It appears there may be other stranger things going on too. the attached screenshot shows two symbols direct from the VWX base resource mgr files from the Select line. One handles everything almost everything correctly (except for the backwards cell numbering), one doesn't show the unit number at all (Which of course is the exact fixture I need. Haven't found a solution to that yet.

But your suggestion about stacking works a treat. 


Screen Shot 2022-08-25 at 12.51.16 PM.png

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  • 3 months later...

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