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Found 8 results

  1. Hi This ancient VisiCalc stuff has got to go! Please make sheets compatible with google sheets/excel/numbers. It is crazy to me that I work with those tools every day and when I come to VW do my worksheets I have to go and google how to do a sum on on some cells. And the whole interface feels like 1998. Making a cell text bold is takes a minute of menus and tabs, it just seems like a priority graveyard to me. Or at least please explain Thank you
  2. Version 1.0.0


    This Network shows how to create fields from an existing xls or txt file.
  3. Hello, I'm interested in connecting VWX to a Microsoft Excel file. My goal is to use a unique identifier to link/sync a record format with data in an external file. From reading the VW Help Topics, it sounds like this is possible, but the procedure is not working for me. I'm wondering if someone has successfully connected to an external spreadsheet and if so, what were the steps in the set-up process. Thanks. I appreciate any and all guidance. VWX 2022, SP 3 Windows 11
  4. Version 1.0.0


    "XLS Get Values"is to read Data directly out of a XLS Sheet. The Smaller Nodes "XLS GetSheetNames", "XLS GetSheetInfos" are additional Nodes which are not essentially. use cases: Everywhere you want to get Data out of an XLS File instead a Textfile. Special Features: 1. If file Input is wrong the node will do nothing (no crash 🙂 ) 2. If the sheet name is wrong it will import first sheet 3. If start/end is empty, it will return the complete sheet.
  5. Is there a way to summarise items / sort items in a worksheet in which the data is imported from an excel spreadsheet, rather than created from the drawing as a database? When I'm trying this, the sort / summarise / sum items all appear to be greyed out.
  6. I'm still using 2012 which some folk think is old but it works. From the forums it looks like the basics are being ignored with lots of Baroque 'features' added. So I'm thinking long and hard before I upgrade. No bells and whistles just the daily needs of a landscape professional. Things I'd need to make upgrading worthwhile considering: Worksheet (I hear this might be in 2020 but not confirmed) - two-way excel red\write - or at least read from live excel file - ability for cells to read colour info from classes including alpha level - cell commenting like excel - full keyboard fcn shortcuts for all actions - like Excel - ability to export xls files - ability to read text (from csv txt md mdown xls) into worksheet cells - worksheet access to text blocks and vice-versa Simplified arraying - even circular arrays are a real trial, just something simple like ACAD and Sketchup. MS Word, a real working live link from VW to word, or least to a text file. Keyboard access to rotation in object info. Image file export - Has this been improved?, e.g. for image export of non-standard size, in 2012 it was Alt F E R and the image default settings are jpeg 2000 and marquee, image filetype can't be changed in marquee so click to another Export Area type and back to format to change that and then back to reset to marquee, then draw marquee (would be great to have dropdown of remembered marquee draw boxes) and finally save. - What new files are enabled? Can the default filetype and format be changed? - Also seeing as Nemet think VW is a GIS what about being able to read height data from .tiffs?? Property Line \ Landscape subdivision lot module - full control of annotations - topolological polygon editing \ autoupdate of adjacent polygons. Text formatting; kerning, easier handling of mixed formats in a single text block. Ability of system to retain focus on a text block - I'm a non-touch typist and often look up and see I'm no longer in the txt dialog. Plantline lines like Acad had 20 years ago where basic line is drawn and output can be changed at will - makes for much smaller file sizes too. Has the snap-to-all fcn been removed? Alpha \ opacity control for gradients allowing one to have a gradient that fades out to 100% alpha\transparent (a very basic part of GIS's and R). Very useful to show graded actions on plans such as planting densities. Layers and classes - has there been any integration between these? If Classes are truly sub to Layers why can they not all be on same panel? Big time savings potential. Support for old vw formats including .mcd. AFAIK Acad goes all the way back, why not VW?? ------------------------------------ Nice to have: Colour palette referencing has been awful - has it been improved? Having to remember where a colour is as you move around the interface is just silly. Ability to filter exploded pdfs by shape and class them automatically. How is reading of live data feeds, especially GNSS \ total-station data? Printing Having saved views in batch print is annoying and wastes time. Is it still like this? Digital file export with all referenced files - like old Acad pack'n'go Inclusion of a duplicate \ overlying polygon tool.
  7. Hello all, I'm trying to import a CSV into my VW 2018 file via File>Import>Worsheet. Up until this point my workflow has been working fine, but I'm now trying to import the latest version of this CSV generated by Excel that now has cells that start with "E" and have a digit or two after, sometimes with a hyphen. Unfortunately, it appears that VW tries to do math on those cells and replaces them with 0e+000 and displays them as 0 if there's a hyphen (see "Worksheet View of Imported CSV.PNG) or some negative number if there isn't a hyphen What I've tried so far: - Restarting Vectorworks and my machine. Doesn't seem like the kind of problem to be resolved by this but it was worth a shot. - Using a Tab delimited worksheet instead. Same problem. - Checking that excel exported the data properly (see "Excel view before exporting CSV.PNG" and "Notepad++ view of imported CSV.PNG"). The exported file opens in other programs just fine. - Changing the cell format in the VW worksheet via Format>Cells... Doesn't help, and changing them to text just makes them display "0e+000" instead of 0. - Manually typing the data into the cells (due to the volume of cells that will eventually be involved in this, it's not a long term option but just as a test). It did work though if I first changed the cell format, but otherwise didn't work. Is there a setting somewhere for reverting all cell formats to text when importing CSVs? Do you know of another setting somewhere that might cause this or some workaround I could consider? I appreciate any help you can provide, thank you for your time! EDIT - If it helps, a friend suggested I try to recreate the problem from scratch, so I made a new csv and vwx, imported it as I had been and got the same problem.
  8. Dear VW lovers, would anyone know if it is possible to export Renderworks Style Settings into a worksheet or excel spread sheet? I have multiple Renderworks Styles and currently I am creating screenshots and copy paste them into a file for comparison. This is a huge effort and I would love to have a faster and more convenient work around for this. Any input is much appreciated. Cheers, Grethe
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