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  1. Hi all, I was looking for some help in the worksheets and putting a letter in a row for each symbol in the data sheet. I also was wondering if the general version of Vectorworks allows you to use data tags in 2020? Also any beginners tips for worksheets and making a BOM for the documents would be helpful, like more records or symbols tips. Thanks, Colin
  2. Hi All, In an effort to learn (and not constantly bug users), can anyone point me towards resources on database string commands? I have a few worksheets that I want to develop that will require some custom database strings. I have no problem learning the code to develop them, I just can't seem to find the resources. I don't have any background in coding but this extended downtime the live events industry is stuck in is a great opportunity to learn. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks.
  3. In order to align several databases along the same row, I believe we need to provide the ability to reference a separate database formula for different columns (using if statements). It could prove to be useful when managing different datasets that don't have related record information, or have the same record information, but isolated extraction methods. Example below illustrates something that currently isn't possible in vectorworks that is driven by databases because each orientation would require a separate database callout with the rows controlled by an if statement. If they were controlled only by one datase record request, every orientation would be blank and distributed onto later database rows (rather than the same database row). Is something like this possible?
  4. Hi Everyone, I'm having an issue with the add list node. If I create a list with the ordered list node and run it in, everything works well, but if I extract that information from a worksheet and run it into the node the result is 0 items. I've tried formatting the data as different number types (dimension, general, decimal) but same result. Anyone come across this before? Thanks! -Chris AddList_Debug.vwx AddList_Debug.vwx
  5. I have two worksheet questions. 1.) I'd like to link rows of a worksheet to instances of a PIO to store some parameters and format settings. Right now I'm creating a UUID, storing that in a hidden parameter and in the last column of the worksheet, and then I match the UUIDs to push/pull data. This is not only a bit ugly, but a user can easily change the cell, breaking the link. On the other hand, if I store the initial row number in a hidden parameter, the user could rearrange the rows and break the link that way. Is there an elegant way to link rows with Python/Vectorscript? Or maybe some methods I've overlooked that might help? 2.) The PIOs are event-enabled, so when a parameter is updated, it automatically updates the worksheet. I'd like this to work the other way around. In the SDK I found this property: kObjXPropGetWorksheetEvents = 57. To me that looks like an event-enabled PIO is aware of changes in worksheets, but I haven't been able to find any other information on what event IDs to use, or how to point a PIO at a specific worksheet. Is is possible for edits in a worksheet to trigger a parametric recalc in a specific PIO? Thanks, All!
  6. What are your experiences with doing wall area take offs within a worksheet. I see that it calculates the length of a wall from the center line points. Has anyone dealt with the inaccuracies this affords? For instance, if I have a 10' x 10' room with 6" thick walls, the wall length (which it uses for area) is only 9'-6" long (subtract half the wall thickness each end). Doesn't this cause a problem with rounding area? Do you use a factor to account for this? Do you have any preferred ways of querying the worksheet for the wall data? I can come up with a work around, but others with more experience with this function could really help me save time. Thank you.
  7. I'm stuck, See attached Excel worksheet image for clarification of what I'm trying to do in VW. I've created a worksheet in Vectorworks with four different database rows in it. Each database row calculates, summarize, and displays information in a different layout than the others, but the one thing they have in common is that they all get their information from the same three layers in the VW drawing. What I'd like to do is create one place (C14,D14, and E14 in attached image) that can determine what layers are used in the four databases (rows 20, 22, 24, and 26), so the user doesn't have to edit the criteria for each database. Is that possible? In excel I can create a cell that has a pull-down list of values the user can choose from. If it's possible, I would love to do that in the VW worksheet where the pull down is a list of the layers in the VW document, then each database row would reference those cells to determine which layers to look at. I am comfortable writing my own script if that's helpful, but am hoping there's an easier way to do this within the worksheets. Any thoughts?
  8. Hello I'm trying to create a worksheet with a database row that looks for a certain record and then displays each field in it's own column. The issue i'm running into is actually making the row into a database row. Below is the code I am using at the moment. My understanding (which I suspect is wrong) is that I need to set the a formula for row 2 column 0. dynCharArray = '=DATABASE(INVIEWPORT & INSYMBOL & (R IN [Loom Note]))' vs.SetWSCellFormulaN(tempHandle,2,0,2,0,dynCharArray); When I run the code I get a popup box saying "Right Bracket Expected", no error messages from the script, just that popup box, and the script will have failed to turn the row into a database row. From my googling I'm struggling to find much documentation for building worksheets with Python Script/ Worksheet Formulas. (I'm sure it's out there I'm probably just not looking in the right places.) Would anyone be able to point me in the direction of some handy info on worksheet formulas, or give me a hint as to what i'm doing wrong here? Running VW 2020 Sp3.1
  9. We are experiencing a considerable problem where certain worksheets in a file, placed on a sheet layer, are showing up invisible upon file open. Only after recalculating do they reappear. This is happening every time I open the file.
  10. I use landmark and use additional plant records to include information about landscape areas such as seed mixes which then input into my schedules (worksheets). As these detailed soft and hard landscape drawings can get very heavy on larger sites (very painful for my work flow), I would like to split up the drawings into seperate files (eg. soft, hard, specific designed spaces) which I then reference as viewports into a drawing with the sheet layers and worksheets. This helps for a number of people to work on the project at once by splitting up the drawings in this way. This works well until I come to schedule the drawings and the records are not imported although landscape areas and plants are. Currently I have to combine my colleagues drawings before scheduling which is very time consuming and usually crashes. It seems sensible that all data is available from referenced viewports.
  11. Hello, I'm using Vectorworks 2018 SP6 (Fundamentals, Spotlight, Renderworks). For the last several months I've been maintaining a manual link between Vectorworks and Excel by going through a process of importing a CSV made from Excel as a worksheet and pasting values one column at a time into a database worksheet linked to a symbol record format. I made a couple of other posts with problems I had when I was first getting started with this project but unfortunately got no help. Once I finally got it working, albeit cumbersome, it had no real issues. I haven't needed to update either the Excel file or the Vectorworks file for a couple months but now I have new information to incorporate. All of the steps leading up to this point have been identical to what I did for months, but now I get an error message when I try to paste cells into this worksheet: "The cells you are trying to change do not allow pasting." I've never seen this before, doing it this way has always worked up to this point. Here's my troubleshooting process so far: Close without saving and restart computer Check it's the exact same number of cells copied as attempted to paste into Check file isn't accidentally open read only somehow (I can change anything else) Make sure correct Excel file was opened (I even opened an older version but got the same error) Try copying small groups of cells, which worked but only sometimes (also isn't a realistic option for 17 columns and nearly 2000 rows) Not sure what to try next. Any help is appreciated, thank you
  12. I'm trying to create a worksheet that auto calculates spare lighting fixtures. So far I have it setup a database row that shows symbol image, instrument type, count per fixture. I want to add a column that calculates spares. I want the spare fixture count to be 15% of the total count. I would also like this number rounded up to the nearest whole number. For example, if I have 5 fixtures, instead of the column saying .75, I want it to say 1. I have tried using the Round command. I've been trying =(Round(C3*.15)+1). In my head that should get me a minimum of 1. What always seems to happen is the formula is calculated on the total of all the fixture below, instead of each row. See Image. My next question is, how do I set the row height for the cells in 3.*. I know I can select the cells and change the height, but I want to change the default height for those cells, so anytime I add a fixture to the drawing it gets added at the correct height? Thanks.
  13. I am trying to set up an efficient office standard system for setting up Window and Door schedules using drawing templates, styled WinDoor objects, record info and worksheets. I have seen this recent thread. https://forum.vectorworks.net/index.php?/topic/58464-favoured-window-schedule-workflows/ which is great however I am using WinDoor objects rather than native window and door objects so maybe the WinDoor experts might be able to help? This is all fairly new to me so any help or suggestions from anyone would be appreciated! At the moment I am looking at setting up 2x worksheets to be used together: 1) The actual schedule that would go on the Drawing sheet. 2) A "WinDoor Housekeeping" two-way report worksheet that can be used to edit the WinDoor objects quickly and efficiently. I like this as you can quickly pick up any inconsistencies in your doors & windows and correct them. This report would reside in the Resource Manager (not be put on an actual drawings). So far so good. I have set up both worksheets. I have gone through all the available records available from the WinDoor plug-in. A couple of little things though maybe someone could help with: Is there a way I can show the WinDoor style of my windoor objects in a worksheet? It would be good to be able to cross check what style(s) are in use in a file. I can't find this as a record. The other thing is with the WinDoor user fields. The "Schedule Data" tab of the settings tab lets you use presets for the user fields. If I use the "Door Height x Door Width" preset for a user field it is picked up in the worksheet which is great however if I later edit the door size the preset value in the Schedule Data tab doesn't update (let alone update to the worksheet). Is this working as designed or am I missing something? I guess being a "preset" it is like a default initial value however the interesting thing is that for the ID Symbols if you use the second ID field for the same "Door Height x Door Width" the ID tags will auto update when you change the door dimensions. In the screen shot attached you can see the ID Symbol updated to an 810x2000 door but the preset value is still on 2010x760. To update the preset value I have to go into the settings dialogue of each WinDoor object one by one which clearly isn't what I want to do. Is there a way to "reset" or "regenerate" WinDoor objects so these fields update? Unfortunately there is no "door height" record though there is a "door width" one which auto updates to the worksheets. I've also noticed door heights shown in the OIP differ from those shown in the form dialogue too... Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
  14. Hello I'm trying to find out the best way to export a list of materials used in walls, slabs and the roof. I'd need the material, size, volume etc. I'm not sure how to create this worksheet. Nor do i know how to look it up anywhere. Has anyone done this? Im' assuming I'd have to make record formats and add information on each walls data tab. Thank you Len
  15. Hi there, I am new to creating revision history worksheets and am having some trouble ensuring all the information is populated into the sheet. The revision and date doesn't seem to be logging onto the sheet....does anybody have a solution as to why the sheet titles, drawing numbers and sheet sizes are logged but not the date and revision number? The title block revision data itself is working perfectly therefore I don't know why the worksheet isn't picking up the information. Please see attached image for reference. Kind regards and any help would be appreciated, Emma O Neill
  16. Like we have for Viewports, can we also have out-of-date borders for Worksheets?
  17. I'm just getting into Worksheets, and I understand how to use it with symbols and finding their quantities. However, I would love to figure out how to get lumber material counts. Ideally, getting total lengths of lumber and total area of sheet goods, and then determining how many sticks/sheets are needed. I am having a tough time figuring out how to have the worksheet differentiate between 1x and ply - the only way I can think is to have different line types for each type of lumber and then put in different formulas based on the line types. Any ideas?
  18. Just started setting up 2018, when I import my saved / formatted Worksheets the Database Sub-Rows are reverting to Auto Fit on import, which makes the row heights unpredictable and inconsistent. I've tried re-saving the Worksheets but the Sub-Rows will not stick or stay set to the Database Header Row, is there a way to "re-lock" the Sub-Row Heights to the Header Row?
  19. Is it possible to link multiple files so that I can create a worksheet which counts all the objects from the files linked to that project ? Scenario as follows 1- I create a master file with all my custom made symbols, attach records etc 2- I then have multiple files, different rooms, spaces etc which are part of the same project, and have symbols from the masterfile within them 3- I create a worksheet on each sheet page on each drawing with a Bill of Quantities for that specific file 4- Can I have a worksheet that will count all the objects across the multiple project files ??? So I have a complete list of all items required for the project as a whole 😊 tia
  20. Greetings all, Delving into more advanced worksheets prompted me to ask about these two particular records. The Truss record and the Truss Record record. As you can see in the attached screen shot, I can use one or the other and get three different results whilst specifying the exact same record columns. I'd like to better understand why. I've figured out the right combination of settings to get the info I actually need. Why do the settings on the right side give me an empty column for the user field 1 and has missing info in some of the other cells? How do I have the same items have the "Truss" record not present when the setting on the left side worked using the "Truss" record? In the middle, why does it double everything? And why the empty cells? On the left, why do I have success in setting the basic criteria to "Truss" but only need to search the "Truss Record" record? Further, why did this and the settings on the right side offer the same counts? Sometimes I feel like I'm in a feedback loop. I've attached the file to play with as well. Thanks, Scott WorksheetsForTrussCounting.vwx
  21. The Volume function in a worksheet does not seem able to calculate the volume of a space? The space has a height, Show 3D is turned on? I can see the volume of the space if I use database row but when I use the VOLUME function it returns 0. In the example screenshot the criteria in the formula are the same as for the database rows I am also getting the same figure (just the gross) for Gross and Net Volume despite having set different heights for each?
  22. Hi guys, I've created a custom formatted worksheet for our plant schedules that is just in a .vwx file on my desktop. I want everyone in my office to be able to have access to it via ourVW Workgroup. Is there a way for me to export just the worksheet into the Workgroup or do I maybe have to save the file it's in as a .sta template and access the worksheet in the Resource Manager form there? Any help is appreciated 🙂 Thanks!
  23. One of the most frustrating and time consuming experiences in VW is the copy and pasting of database header rows and other worksheet elements. It would be an incredible if, when copying and pasting a database header row, that the paste result would remember the summarization and sort settings of the original copy. Instead, it forgets all summarization and sorting and if you have a fairly complex system of these results, you have to manually restore them on all necessary columns. This is also true with merged cells. Worksheets should remember the merge and wrap text settings of copied cells and apply them to the paste. Excel does this, so should VW. Pretty basic, but a big potential time saver.
  24. =Area returns area of 2d objects and area of source object of an extrude. But returns 0 for other solids. By mistake, I found an unusual use for this extrude “=Area”: Floor Area of a massing model made from stacked extrudes. Anyone know why extrudes report via =Area but the other solids do not? =SurfaceArea is formula for total surface area of a solid. -B
  25. Is there a way to NOT see the Label Legend on an instrument when using the image function to display thumbnails of Lighting Instruments. (without turning off the label legend classes) Many thanks Mark
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