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  1. I am using series of windows in a recessed wall. I was hoping it to show adjust depth of windows after achieving wall recessed. In plan I still see previous depth of the windows that was showing before wall recessed . Does somebody know how to adjust window depths according to new recessed wall? Thanks!
  2. Hi there, Does anyone know if there is a way of making hinger markers for curtain walling to show up in an elevation viewport without having to draw them on in annotations? Thanks!
  3. Hi all, When two identical symbols with the same record format are inserted in a wall, this record format can´t be edited, but if the symbols are not in a wall then the record format can be edited. I´m on Win10 and VW 2017SP3 Cheers, Juan
  4. Hi all, Using tiles inside the walls give the wrong result when exported to Autocad. Here is how it looks in VW 2017: How it looks in ACAD: Here is the VW 2017 file: TilesToAcad.vwx Cheers, Juan
  5. As we use complex Styled Walls with multiple Components and individual Top/Bottom Height Level assignments per Components, by Story Levels beside an overall Wall Insertion height we most times (98%) really want to activate "Replace Height" Adjustments for "ALL" Styled Walls after changing their Style. (Especially if your Components assignments are set to have manual distances from Levels) However in rare cases we need just a few or only one Wall of that same Wall Type in a different environment with a different Height setting. In that case you either have too : - care each time and never activate height adaption after changing your Style again - create another additional Wall Style Duplicate just because of a different height setting. So I wish that : 1. the "Replace Height" check box disappears from the Style change confirmation dialog completely (always activated) 2. There will be a "Lock Custom Height Changes" checkbox in OIP, for Stylized Walls, above the Height Editing Options, that will prevent from losing any of that Custom Height Settings of that Wall on Object Level in any case (Which is the "overall" Wall Height only) 3. While keeping the ability to adapt to changes of the individual Component Level Height settings of the Style. That would save me from tons of redundant extra Wall Style Duplicates AND from recurrently, accidentally and unnoticeably destroying my few Special Walls
  6. Hello! I need to do a "waved" wall for a garden (45cm height and 45cm width. The wave goes right and left and ALSO up and down at specific points. The shape is almost a 4 leaf clover. With the wall tool it is easy to do the Right and Left waves, but when I do Up and Down the waves are not round and have Edges. I attach a screenshot of an attempt with NURBS. Very messy. Im out of ideas about how to do this wall round and clean. Thank you in advance!!
  7. I have basement windows which extend into the wall above on a different layer. Is there a way to make the window insert into both walls or do I have to cut holes in the wall above?
  8. The more I build BIMish models in Vectorworks the more I find I'm having to recreate slab styles as roof styles and vis versa (sloping ceiling, ramps in slabs,...).Either of those as a wall style is also useful for generating details and the wall tool being the best for laying out lines of shell detail. The problem being I end up with two even three resources to then describe what is effectively intended to be the same system. It would be good if the three separate shell styles could cross-over between all the shell tools.
  9. Hello, I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong but when I'm resizing walls by punching in the actual change in dimension (within the OIP) of the wall, the joints keep breaking. This method used to work in 2016, was there alteration in the 2017 version?
  10. Hi i have difficulties to handle walls and slabs with several components. I can not manage to define the edge Offset of my slab components to fit the e.g. outer face of inner wall or the next layer of the slab to match the inner face of the inner wall. what am I missing?
  11. Dear All, I'm struggling with Wall Types Worksheet. I'd like to add 'Components' and 'R-Value' data from Wall Types that I have. The partial solution for the first thing is pulling the data from the 'Description' field, but it's not what I want in the end. Is there a certain field name that I can place in the worksheet? Thanks in advance, Kris
  12. It would be nice that when one uses Fit Walls to Objects beneath a staircase the wall properly follows the bottom of the staircase. The only way to model this properly is to create a wall recess or wall projection. You can see better what I mean in the screenshot. The wall "fits" with it's center but the top of the wall does not fit parallel to the bottom of the staircase.
  13. Hi, can someone please explain me how can create a wall that has an ending which is round. I attach two images. One of the wall I would want to create in plan and in a 3D view (these have been created with an extrude, not with the wall tool). I've fiddled with AEC > Create Wall Projection but I think you can only add stuff only to the sides of the walls and not the ends.
  14. It would be really useful if there was a clear way of joining 3 or 4 distinct walls at the junction. I know this has come up before through discussion of wall joints, but not sure if there is a specific wishlist request: This is coming up pretty regularly at our office, and it means a lot of bodging things together which doesn't look great and is time consuming.
  15. Hi - Trying to create a wall schedule - and I want to name some walls for clarification. Trying to create a Name (IFC Field in the OIP??) and then pull it on the report? Can someone give me the right location for the name and syntax for the report? Thank you Ethan
  16. Gosh these stories drive me crazy, my walls and the windows in them are not based on the same heights, I think i need a fresh set of eyes here. Thank you Amerchem_exist.vwx
  17. Hi all, I've been learning to use the wall tools with various buildups/joint types, and generally have found it pretty straightforwards. However I've hit one internal corner I can't seem to get to work. It is between two wall types I have created, one where the 'core' layer is concrete, and one with a 'core' layer of cross laminated timber. When I try to create a corner joint, seemingly however I approach it, the concrete retaining wall runs into the external face of the CLT and stops. However we want this to be the other way around - CLT running into concrete and stopping. I've recorded a quick video showing my attempts - link below: I've also attached a screenshot showing a bodge job of what I'd like the connection to look like. Can anyone offer any help?? Thanks! Anthony
  18. Rishie


    Hi guys I have been inspired of the Vectorworks slab components but i have few doubts regarding that let me list my queries I attached image of my project 1)How to connect the components for my wall and slab? 2)What is datum in slab and its top and bottom component? 3)When i am exporting my project as image file although i am using high resolution and quality to very high, the line weight and the pattern which i used is not visible. Below i attached two image the first one is the exported image and the next is screenshot there is lot of difference between both
  19. A couple of questions on workflow regarding wall modifications: 1/ I was wandering if there was a way to pull down the brick layer component of the framed brick cladd wall provided in VW 17. If I pull down that layer the wall type changes and I loose the original setup. On the image below I extended the whole assembly which is not what I was looking for. 2/ I plan on installing a curtain wall starting 18"above the floor and ending with the top of the transom (redline). I will then add a lintel and the brick wall will go up to the top of the walls to align on the right and the left. I have a few options on how to do that a/ create two knee wall, then put the curtain wall on top of that and finally add another wall in the upper portion b/ erase the left side of the wall, join the corner and insert an opening where to fit the curtain wall, effectively like a window What would you recommend? Thank you
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